Inflation, inflation expectations and emotions


Today `` market participants expected a sharp acceleration in the growth of producer prices in the United States ''. waited, how to say so, softer.. All in all, last time, such a mistake was in full swing 2008 of the year. Speech, certainly, about the baseline, i.e. minus energy and s / x. Not great all somehow. All kinds of industrial production, it is predictable. And here is Empire State.. There, too, the prices did not go well, by the way..

I, certainly, glad to, what is happening in the markets, but it's time to pause. And, at all, can't help but shake off the thought, that somehow everything is too simple. well, yes, and too, quickly.

Inflationary expectations.

read, that someone from the NBU boasted about `` taking inflationary expectations under control '', which was the reason for the slowdown in inflation in Ukraine in the last of the reporting months.

shocked. Inflationary expectations? In Ukraine? Taken under control?
How? With using what? Where? It's all about what? It's a fantasy.


One side perfectly expressed [info]pshan, the other side, sad, at least well expressed [info]kar_barabas.

Recently, ready to become the head of the Fed, there are so many, which is simply based on the primitive contrarian view, you do not need to look at the basics of economic theory with apolitical eyes, to understand the current problems of monetary policy. And then, just like the famous hero 'take and share" some.

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