Index TOP 20: Forex investing from MMCIS

Forex MMCIS group offers a range of services for earning money in the foreign exchange market. Despite, that the basis of the company's business strategy was initially working with traders, in the modern activity of the broker, more and more attention is paid to investors and passive earnings. The emergence of a new focus in development is largely due to the growing popularity of this direction among moneymakers. Besides, more and more people are convinced of the advantages of investing in Forex in comparison with bank deposits.

Most brokerage companies, developing on the CIS market, предлагают классический вариант доверительного управления. The strength of the Forex MMCIS group is a systematic approach to this issue.. Отдавая себе отчет в том, that such a model of earnings requires certain experience and considerable start-up capital, this broker решил оптимизировать инвестирование в соответствии с запросами клиентов. The resulting программа Index TOP 20 characterized by a ready-made risk management mechanism, as well as a small initial deposit: if desired, you can invest and 100 Dollars.

Separate site for Index TOP 20

A separate site is dedicated to the new MMCIS service, which provides all the necessary information. Since Index TOP 20 differs markedly from most of the proposals existing on the domestic market, such a move seems, least, логичным. Besides, as practice has shown, many investors, interested in the program, never traded on Forex and did not work with trust management. And that means, that information about other programs, published on the main website of the company, may simply seem superfluous to them. Howbeit, with Forex investors are still redirected to the main MMCIS website when registering.

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Registration and all, what precedes it

Creating an account and account in MMCIS is a fairly simple task, described in great detail by the DC itself. Generally, the client needs to familiarize himself with the contract, fill out a questionnaire and choose the optimal system for crediting a deposit. Only a short list of sections needs to be added to this., which will not be superfluous to study:

  • "Trading conditions",
  • "Conditions",
  • Risk Disclosure,
  • "Security",
  • "Cancellation of payment",
  • Money Laundering Prevention.

Besides, on the site Forex investors should pay attention to the disclaimer, as well as sections on the limitation of liability and the use of personal information. All links, with which it is important to familiarize yourself, located at the bottom of the home page.

Statistics, available on the website

Website, dedicated to Index TOP 20, It will also be useful to investors as a source of information on the program's profitability for the past months. In the same time, most relevant statistics, such as the net profit of contributors for the last month, amount of commission, average monthly and annual profit taking into account reinvestment, available on the program page on the main Index TOP website 20.

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