NYSE New York Stock Exchange Sector Indices

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) includes several sector indices, which reflect the productivity of companies in different sectors of the economy. Some of them:

– S&P 500: index, which includes 500 largest companies by market capitalization in the United States, covering various sectors of the economy, Such as technology, healthcare, energy, etc..
– Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA): index, which includes 30 largest companies in the USA, representing various sectors of the economy, such as finance, industry, technology, etc.
NASDAQ Composite: index, which includes more than 3000 companies, traded on the NASDAQ exchange, Most of which are companies in the technology sector.
– S&P 500 Health Care: index, which includes companies in the healthcare sector, such as manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices.
– S&P 500 Energy: index, which includes companies in the energy sector, such as oil and gas producers, companies manufacturing equipment for the energy industry, etc.

Basic Materials / Raw materials and supplies

Market capitalization $5865.1B

The raw materials and raw materials sector combines a wide range of components of the commodity industry, or so-called. manufacturing industry. Companies included in this sector are engaged in chemical production, production of building materials, Glass, paper, woodworking industry and related production of packaging materials, metallurgical industry, mineral and mining industry, including steel production.

The most liquid industries in this sector are the Oil and Gas industries., "Steel and Iron" and "Industrial Metals and Minerals".

The market movers sector is represented by such well-known companies, как Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM), with capitalization 481.1B, PetroChina Co. Ltd. (PTR), capitalization - 276.3B, Petroleo Brasileiro (PBR), with capitalization 274.2B, и Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDS-B), with capitalization 228.2B.

Indexes of this sector:
$IXB Basic Industries Select Sector – AMEX
$DJUSBM DJ US Basic Materials Index

Conglomerates / Conglomerates

Market capitalization $568.5B

Conglomerates – holdings, which include companies, carrying out entrepreneurial activities in various sectors of the economy. Conglomerates are mostly found in emerging markets (India, China, Russia, Latin America), as well as diversified companies. The conglomerate sector is the most risky sector. Conglomerate management should be focused or given special attention to the most risk-subordinate companies in its composition. Besides, industries, in which conglomerate companies operate, may experience declines in profitability. Such drops in profits have a negative financial impact on the conglomerate as a whole.. Companies in the conglomerate sector may be exposed to some or all of the risks, possible in other sectors of the economy.

Some of the most famous conglomerate companies are General Electric Co. (GE), with capitalization 339.7B, United Technologies Corp. (UTX), with capitalization - 71.6B, и 3M Co. (MMM), capitalization of 56.4B.

Sector Index

$TMG TSE Conglomerates

Consumer Goods / Consumer goods sector

Market capitalization $2616.7B

The consumer goods sector includes a wide range of products, from clothes and shoes to household appliances and movable property. Behind the Scenes of this Diverse Sector, the Power of Brands, creating value as a major public issue.

The leading companies in the sector are: Procter & Gamble Co. (PG), 206.8B, Toyota Motor Corp. (TM), capitalization -178.9B, Altria Group Inc. (MO), 156.7B, Coca-Cola Co. (KO), 139.2B.

Major indices:
$TCP TSE Consumer Products Index
$CMR Consumer Index – MS AMEX
$IXR Consumer Staples Select Sector – AMEX
$DJUSCY DJ US Consumer Cyclical Index
$DJUSCE DJ US Consumer Electronics Index
$DJUSNC DJ US Consumer Non-cyclical Index
$BPDISC Bullish Percent Index S&P Consumer Discretionary
$BPSTAP Bullish Percent Index S&P Consumer Staples Sector

Financial / Finance

Market capitalization 111679.3B

The financial services sector is complex and diverse: from huge corporations with assets, more than one trillion dollars, to small groups of banks and credit unions. This diversity ensures the sector's viability as a single organism., making it possible to meet the needs of the client with a rich and varied base. Is this an individual savings account, financial derivatives, production credit, or foreign investment, financial institutions provide a wide variety of products. These products: (1) allow clients to invest and secure payments to other parties (more than 12 trillion $ in assets); (2) provide credit and liquidity to clients (more than 14 trillion $ in assets); (3) allow clients to invest capital and for long, and for short periods (more than 18 trillion $ in assets); And (4) diversify financial risks between clients (more than 6 trillion $ in assets).

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The main "engines" of the sector are: Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MTU), capitalization of 102326.0B, Chile bank (BCH), whose capitalization is 4025B, Union of Brazilian Banks S. (UBB), with capitalization 396.1B.

Financial sector indices:
$IXF Financial 100 Index – Nasdaq,
$XFI Financial Index – AMEX,
$NFA Financial Index – NYSE,
$IXF Financial Select Sector – AMEX,
$DJUSDF DJ US Diversified Financial Index,
$DJUSFN DJ US Financial Index,
$BPFINA Bullish Persent Index S&P Financial Sector,
$TFSM TSE Financial Management Companies,

Healthcare / healthcare

Market capitalization $2293.0B

Healthcare covers all companies, manufacturing and supplying medical equipment, providing medical care, companies, employed in biotechnology, as well as companies, providing the production of pharmaceutical products.

Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), capitalization – 182.5B, Pfizer Inc. (PFE), with capitalization – 152.1B, Glaxosmithkline pls (GSK), capitalization of 122.2B, Genentech Inc. (DNA), capitalization of which – 80.7B, are the liquidity leaders in this sector.

Sector indices:
$DJUSHC DJ US Healthcare Index,
$DJUSHP DJ US Healthcare Provides Index,
$BPHEAL Bullish Percent Index S&P Healthcare Sector.

Industrial Goods / Industry

Market capitalization $1124.3B

Industry sector (or industrial sector) characterized by the manufacturing industry, Construction, Mining, fishing and forestry.

The industrial sector can be divided into several parts:

– primary sector, where natural resources are mined and processed, and then sent to the production of primary products, – this is the so-called. raw materials for other industries. Leading firms in this sector are engaged in the design and provision of equipment for agricultural production, Fishing, Forestry, Mining, and separately, for mining in quarries., which collects, packs, packs or processes raw materials strictly for primary producers, usually considered part of this sector, especially, if the raw material is unsuitable for sale or difficult to transport over long distances.

– the secondary industry sector includes those economic sectors, who create the finished product, usable. In this sector, the incoming product from the primary sector is converted into a finished product., or another intermediate product, necessary for use in other areas of production, further exported, or for sale to residents of the country of origin. This sector is often divided into light and heavy industry., exporting their products, tend to grow rapidly in gross domestic product (GDP), due to which high incomes of the population are maintained, and tax revenues help finance health care and other structures of the economy, responsible for the quality of life.

– tertiary industry, or service sector, or service industry, – one of the main categories of the industrial sector. This industry sector affects the provision of services. Includes transportation, distribution and sale of goods (wholesale and retail) from producer to consumer, service provision.

– the quaternary sector of industry unites companies, engaged in research and development projects in the development of the industrial sector. This sector can be marked as an investment sector, in which many investors are investing to ensure the further expansion of the sector's opportunities. Research conducted can focus on cost reduction opportunities, more modernized market equipment, generating innovative ideas, new methods of production and sales of products, etc.

The leading companies in the industrial sector are - Boeing Co. (BA), with capitalization 64.9B, ABB Ltd. (ABB), its capitalization – 59.1B, Caterpillar Inc. (CAT), capitalization of which – 46.4B.

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Indexes of this sector:
$DJUSAI DJ US Industrial Advanced Equipment
$DJUSID DJ US Industrial Diversified Index
$DJUSIE DJ US Industrial Equipment Index
$DJUSIN DJ US Industrial Index
$DJUSIT DJ US Industrial Transportation Index
$BPINDY Bullish Percent Index S&P Industrials Sector
$TIP TSE Industrial Products Index
$INDU Dow Jones Industrial Average
$XID Industrial Index – AMEX
IXI Industrial Select Sector – AMEX

Services / Services

Market capitalization $2936.7B

Services - activities, in the process of which a new material product is not created, but the quality of the existing product changes.

Service sector - economic sector, which includes all types of commercial services. This is housing and communal services, and real estate, printing and advertising, sport, high technology sphere, transport, finance, consulting and audit, engineering, etc..

It is the services that make up, in economically developed countries, the bulk of the economy (more 50%). The rest of the economy is considered to be industry and agriculture.. Service sector – pivot summary category, including reproduction of various types of services, provided by enterprises, organizations, as well as individuals. This sector is characterized by higher profits, than for the industrial sector.

Market movers in this sector are Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (WMT), with a capitalization of 202.4B, United Parcel Service, Inc. (UPS), with a capitalization of 75.1B, McDonald’s Corp. (MCD), capitalization of 65.4B, Walt Disney Co. (DIS), capitalization of which – 61.3B, Comcast Corp. (CMCSA), which is capitalized at 60.6B, News Corp. (NWS-A), capitalized at 60.0B.

Sector indices:
$DJUSOQ DJ US Oilfield Equipment & Services
$DJUSRP DJ US Recreational Products & Services
$TFS TSE Financial Services
$BPTELE Bullish Percent Index S&P Telecom Services Sector
$TOGS TSE Oil & Gas Services Index
$TTR TSE Transportation & Environmental Services Index
$TTRI TSE Transportation & Environmental Services Index
$IXV Consumer Services Select Sector – AMEX
$OSX Oil Services Index – WHY
$GSV Services Index – GSTI
$DJUSCS DJ US Consumer Services Index
$DJUSFV DJ US Financial Services Composite Index
$DJUSIS DJ US Industrial Services General Index
$DJUSIV DJ US Industrial Services Index

Technology / Technologies

Market capitalization $5309.0B

The technological sector of the economy is based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress and is aimed at the production of a material product, if it is created by material technology, Information, if it is created by information technology, etc. The technology sector also covers current technological processes, their description and instructions for implementation, development of technological requirements and technical control. Companies, employed in the most advanced technologies, high technologies, are the most important links in the scientific and technological revolution (NTR) at the present stage. The most knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy are usually referred to as high technologies.: microelectronics, Computer Engineering, robotics, nuclear power, aircraft construction, space technology, microbiological industry.

The leading campaign of the technology sector can rightly be called - Chine Mobile Limited (CHL), 306.0B, Microsoft Corporation (MSFT), 259.9B, AT&T Inc. (T), 217.3B, Vodafone Group plc (VOD), 170.3B, International Business Machine (IBM), 160.2B, Google Inc. (GOOG), 149.0B, Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO), 147.0B, Nokia Corp.. (ENOUGH), 145.8B.

Sector indices:
$DJUSTH DJ US Technology Hardware & Equipment
$DJUSTC DJ US Technology Index
$DJUSSW DJ US Technology Software Index
$BPINFO Bullish Percent Index S&P Information Technology Sector
$CDNXT CDNX Technology Index
$TIPE TSE Technology Hardware Index
$TISF TSE Technology Software Index
$DJULTC Dow Jones US Large Cap Technology Index
$XCI Computer Technology Index – AMEX
$XIT Information Technology Index – AMEX
$CTN Technology Index – CSFB
$PSE Technology Index – WHY
$SPTK Technology Index – S&P
$IXT Technology Select Sector – AMEX
$DJUSCT DJ US Communications Technology Index

Utilities / Utilities

Market capitalization $764.2B

The sector will include companies, supporting social infrastructure. Utilities include water supply, Cleaning & Delivery, sewage supply, waste water treatment and blockage removal, overhaul of premises, maintenance of buildings, heat supply, garbage collection and disposal, power supply, gas supply, public transport services, maintaining the proper condition of roads, telecommunications, telephone line services, cable TV.

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The main companies in this sector include: Exelon Corp. (EXC), 51.2B, Veolia Environment SA (VE), 42.1B, National Grid plc (NGG), 39.4B.

Sector indices:
$BPUTIL Bullish Percent Index S&P Utilities Sector
$TUTG TSE Gas/Electrical Utilities Index
$TUTT TSE Telephone Utilities Index
$TUT TSE Utilities Index
$IXU Utilities Select Sector – AMEX
$UTY Utility Index – PSE
$DJUSGU DJ US Utilities – Gas Index
$DJUSWU DJ US Utilities – Water Index
$DJUSUT DJ US Utilities Index

New York Stock Exchange Sector Index List

Baby Boomer Consumption Index MLFOY
Beacon Spin-Off Index CLRSO
Benchmarks By Design High Income BBDLVL
Biotech BOXES Indicative Value Inde BTD
Biotech HOLDRS Index IBH
Broadband HOLDRS Index XDH
Cap Mkts Corp Bond Index CPMKTC
Cap Mkts Corp Bond Index RT Yield CMCYLD
Capital Markets Bond Index CPMKTB
Capital Markets Equities Index CPMKTE
Capital Markets Index CPMKTS
Capital Markets Liquidity Index CPMKTL
Capital Markets Treasury Bond Index CPMKTT
CapMkts T Bond Index RT Yield CMTYLD
Citi US Equity Model Index CEQMI
Cleantech Index ctius
Consumer Discretionary Select Sct I IXY
Consumer Staples Select Sector Indx IXR
CSFB Technology Index CTN
Deutsche Bank CROCI US + Index CROCI
Deutsche Bank CROCI Europe + Index CRCEU
Deutsche Bank CROCI Japan + Index CRCJP
Deutsche Bank Energy Index DXE
ynamic Hardware & Consumer EI DZH
Dynamic Healthcare Svcs Intellidex DHC
Dynamic Hlthcare Sector Intellidex EZX
Dynamic Industr. Sector Intellidex EZL
Dynamic Insurance Intellidex DWJ
Dynamic Large Cap Growth Intellidex ILH
Dynamic Large Cap Intellidex IEB
Dynamic Large Cap Value Intellidex ILW
Dynamic Leisure & Entertainment Int DZL
Dynamic Market Intellidex Index DYI
Dynamic Media Intellidex DZM
Dynamic Mid Cap Growth Intellidex ILJ
Dynamic Mid Cap Intellidex IEK
Dynamic Mid Cap Value Intellidex ILP
Dynamic Networking Intellidex DZN
Dynamic Oil Services Intellidex DWO
Dynamic OTC Intellidex Index DYO
Dynamic Pharmaceutical Intellidex DZR
Dynamic Retail Intellidex DWR
Dynamic Semiconductor Intellidex DZE
Dynamic Small Cap Growth Intellidex ILK
Dynamic Small Cap Intellidex IEY
Dynamic Small Cap Value Intellidex ILZ
Dynamic Software Intellidex DZC
MSCI US Investable Market Energy MSCIEN
MSCI US Investable Market Industri MSCIIN
MSCI US Investable Market Telecomm MSCITC
New Frontier Global Dyn Bal NFABI
New Frontier Global Dyn Bal Growth NFABG
New Frontier Global Dynamic Growth NFAGI
Nuveen CE ETF Index-Price Return NMUNP
Nuveen Municipal Closed-End ETF Ind NMUNI
NYSE Amex Composite Index XAX
NYSE Arca Disk Drive Index DDX
NYSE Arca Airline Index XAL
NYSE Arca Airline TR Index MLXAL
NYSE Arca Biotechnology Index BTK
NYSE Arca Broker/Dealer Index XBD
NYSE Arca China Index CZH
NYSE Arca Computer Hardware Index HWI
NYSE Arca Computer Technology Index XCI
NYSE Arca Defense Index DFI
NYSE Arca Environmental Svcs Index AXENV
NYSE Arca EQ Weigt Pharma Index DGE
NYSE Arca Global Airline Index AXGAL
NYSE Arca Gold BUGS Index HUI
NYSE Arca Gold Miners GDM
NYSE Arca Hedge Fund Strategy Index AXHFC
NYSE Arca Hong Kong 30 Index HKX
NYSE Arca Hong Kong Option Index HKO
NYSE Arca Institutional Index XII
NYSE Arca Intl Market Index ADR
NYSE Arca Japan Index JPN
Utilities Select Sector Index IXU
Value 30 Index MVW
Value Line 100 Index VLFVL
Value Line Dividend Index VLFVD
Value Line Equity Allocation Index VLFVI
Value Line Industry Rotation Index VLINR
Value Line Timeliness Select Index VLTSI
Wachovia Equity Asset Cl Basket Ind EBL
Wells Fargo Hybrid & Pref Aggregate WAGG
Wells Fargo Hybrid & Pref Financial WHPSF
Wells Fargo Hybrid & Pref REIT WHPSR
WilderHill Clean Energy Index ECO
WilderHill Progressive Energy Index WHPRO
Wireless HOLDRS Index IWH
Zacks Dividend Rotation ZAXDR
Zacks Micro Cap Index ZAX

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