Games on the Russian market.

Traditional ruble futures position. Pending buy order, By the way, didn't work. It's good that I was at the computer and opened a position manually. True for a slightly worse price.


This year decided not to play the short-term system on Russian stocks anymore. Instead of this, I will probably do an investor strategy, allocating a small amount of money. From last year, there are such minimum positions

Ленэнерго (purchase by 2,7597)
— Magnet ( где то в районе 8 000, точно не знаю, as mixed with short-term positions, which were closed by the FIFO method and now in Kvik there is the maximum price in the area 10 000. But I know what I bought by 8 000)
— Rosseti (0,806)
— VTB (0,04805)

I bought more today

— Mosenergo (0,6583)
— GMKNornik (8 480)

Просмотрел charts всех акций ММВБ. I drew attention to the fact that electricity shares are already at the level 2008 of the year, and some have gone even lower. Don't anyone need them. Think, that they will soon go up and it will be possible to earn a lot on them. But maybe they won't, and then investing in them will turn out to be a mistake. :)
All in all, while the portfolio is about 40% and the choice has yet to be made which stocks to buy.

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