IBM and London Stock Exchange use blockchain in the securities market

Italian Stock Exchange, division of the London Stock Exchange (LSEG), will join forces with IBM Blockchain, to help European small and medium-sized enterprises gain access to a variety of resources, previously available only to large public companies. This is reported on the LSEG website.

According to the developers of the new blockchain platform, small and medium-sized enterprises usually have difficulty accessing capital, as well as difficulties with the issue of shares.

“Thanks to optimized, more transparent and digitized processes, from various parties to the transaction, including issuers, regulators and investors, there will be a better idea of ​​a particular company, as well as her activities ", - noted representatives of the IBM Blockchain.

David Harris, Commercial Technological Innovation Manager LSEG, considers, that the new platform will facilitate more reliable disclosure of information on the capital structure of enterprises. This, in its turn, should help increase the level of confidence among potential investors.

“Small and medium-sized enterprises, not yet participating in the public offering process, there is a good starting point for introducing new business models ”, - noted Harris.

Also David Harris believes, that over time, not only capital structure records will be transferred to the blockchain, but also about debt obligations of companies, distribution of assets among shareholders, etc.. d.

В основе новой блокчейн-платформы лежит технология Hyperledger Fabric.

Recall, ранее компания IBM объединила усилия с AEON Financial Service для создания финансовой блокчейн-платформы, focused on the Asian market.

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