and again Larry Summers

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The next Fed chair, therefore, must be experienced in managing crises such as these. That brings us to the apparent choice between the two lead candidates. Full disclosure: I have worked with Prof Summers and know Ms Yellen slightly. Both are highly qualified in virtually every respect. But Prof Summers had the key role in the Clinton Treasury during both the Asian financial crisis and the Mexican default. And, later, in the Obama White House during the huge credit crisis in 2009. It would be hard to find an American who is more battle- hardened. That is why he should be the choice.

judging by the books about the events of 2008, the restrained / calm image of the current chairman is confirmed. the crisis manager was Henk Paulson, and Bernanke, seems to have been the main thought center. remind, what exactly Bernanke is the author of the idea “финансового акселератора”, ie. it was he who well understood the role of the financial system and the consequences of its collapse. now imagine, that instead of the pragmatic and efficient Paulson, and / or reasonable Bernanke, decisions would be promoted by someone like Summersay I don't want to offend anyone, but the comparison is not in his favor, take away :)

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