Goldman Sachs Publicly Announces Blockchain Adoption

The attitude of the banking and financial sector elite towards bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies has always been wary, if not to say hostile. And although it is too early to talk about any cardinal changes, but, seems to be, industry representatives have significantly softened their views on the application of blockchain technology.

One of these days one of the world's leading financial institutions publicly announced the adoption of an innovative technology, Goldman Sachs Bank.

In particular, Goldman Sachs добавил на свой официальный сайт раздел с описанием технологии блокчейна и её применения. The page contains a kind of short course on the distributed ledger and various applications., information is accompanied by graphic presentations, помогающими понять концепцию блоков и блокчейна, as well as their application in data accounting, smart contracts and, certainly, security system.

Despite, что Goldman Sachs не воспринимает биткоин в качестве средства хранения ценности, the bank cooperates with several cryptocurrency startups. Он входит в число инвесторов основанного на блокчейне приложения финансовых сервисов Circle. Besides, Goldman Sachs являлся участником международного банковского консорциума блокчейна R3, although he left the project last year. The financial institution also invests in Digital Asset Holdings, led by Blythe Masters..

Interest in the cryptocurrency sector from the banking, финансовой и технологической элиты свидетельствует о хороших перспективах для технологии блокчейна и её приложений в различных сегментах отрасли. The first wave of interest was sparked by the threat, which bitokin introduced for traditional banking methods, speeding up and reducing the cost of international transactions. And as the capabilities of cryptocurrency technology develop and public awareness increases, in the coming 3-4 years, we can expect its widespread implementation.

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