Deep understanding of processes, occurring in the market.

It's high time to expose the old untouchable myth, awe-inspiring newbies, and experienced speculators— "to make money on the market, you need to deeply understand the processes, occurring on it. Really, just repeating this `` wise" a phrase so that listeners or readers are imbued with respect and rank the speaker as one of the keepers of the stock exchange mystery, because if he says so, means, really, deeply understood the processes taking place on the market.

By the way, a little five-year-old boy is also unshakably confident and sincerely surprised why adults do not understand basic things (life processes). Truth, afterwards, understanding comes at twenty, how stupid I was as a child and now what, really, true revelation came, understanding the whole essence. But over the course of life, gradually the confidence in the understanding of the processes, usually, passes and by the age of eighty already `` the ways of the Lord become inscrutable" finally. I.e, the wiser you get, the less you know.

There are people, who are specialists in their field with higher technical education, with the highest scientific titles, in general & quot; luminaries" various sciences, including in economics and probability theory, etc.. With regard to stock trading, I mean that, that often two luminaries with the deepest understanding of the markets give completely opposite predictions, one contradictory. Well, if they look at the same thing differently, what remains for us, mere mortals — do we really have a deeper understanding of the market than the `` most of the most ''. Don't we look like that five year old boy, claiming to understand the ongoing processes.

The fact, that no laws of physics work in the market, nor the laws of mathematics, not even the laws of economics and descriptive geometry. Only the laws of thimblers work in the market. So everyone is smart" people, claiming to have a deep understanding of the processes" in the market are doomed in advance. Here are the standard distributions, common in any science in peacetime, become non-standard a hundred times in a row — hence the complete drain of the billion-dollar fund, run by the best Nobel laureates, while a taxi driver with a petroleum education earns thousands of percent in the same market. He's just processes, understands what is happening on the market in its own way, paganly — & quot; big buyer & quot;, magic horizontal line on the price chart" and so on. You understand the processes less — you sleep better, so to speak :)

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But the one who pretends to 'deep understanding" usually ambitious, he was right all his life, he studied best, he always won, etc.. And now admit that he was defeated by some ignorant market, not able. Такого просто не может быть. How can the market go up for ten candles in a row if the state of the world economy is worse than ever. The market is wrong, must be short on every candle. The market has gone crazy. It must collapse. Time passes — the market rises even higher. It's impossible, I still will not buy because it is wrong and stupid in such a state of the economy. Everybody is wrong, one I'm right……

By the way, regarding levels — it's really, in theory, there should be a place where many deeply understand market processes and to which one could become attached to make money. If not for one but. Since the levels are visible to everyone and everyone puts their money on the levels and around them, then this is the best place for snipers from the team of thimblers to shoot naive level lovers. The space at the levels is an open area where sniper rifles and any `` understanding of the processes '' are aimed, peeking out of the forest for easy money is doomed to be shot in advance. But this is a special case..

So a deep understanding of the processes, occurring in the market" this is a very controversial point in terms of making money. Sometimes it's better not to understand a lot…. :)

Although many sometimes say that they `` deeply understand the processes '', but they don't really understand anything, and this often saves them because the traps on the `` understand" usually placed exactly in places of "obvious understanding".

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