
On a tip from good_trade, I downloaded Gerchik's videoconference
All in all the right things are being said, listeners are charged with enthusiasm, and are ready to go plow thousands of charts.
I got the impression of a well-staged performance, hedonistic five “Bentley” per trading session, Gena's debater appeared on time, разруливающий конфликтные ситуации сам Gerchik. Briefly speaking, “five”, well, with a little stretch :)
Now here's what I wanted to ask, maybe someone knows. I have, personally, there are no questions about Gerchik's professionalism. Statements of type: “And show your state”, “Yes, he earns by seminars”, “а если такой крутой trader, why education проводит, I would cut myself…”, I think, at least, naive and childish. I wonder what. Alexander decided to apply the idea, once a bear can be taught to ride a motorcycle, a human being to trade – easily. A similar experience is described in the book “Turtles path”. I remember, our teacher of drawing, told, how on a dare taught to draw a cleaning lady, who had no skills. Truth, he claimed, that such training has a certain limit, to go higher, need talent :)
Rumors began to spread, what people, trained, plus don't trade much, Furthermore, project, for Gerchik, unprofitable. As a result, he became more selective., when recruiting. Who has something to say about this?

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