Where to get a degree in economics and finance online remotely ? Diploma, certificate

Online higher education programs are usually cheaper, than full-time education, and allow you to gain knowledge without interrupting your main work. What online courses are available to users, those who want to develop in the field of economics and finance?

The motto "learning is always useful" is gradually replacing the outdated formula "it's never too late to learn", and all thanks to the development of online education. On the Internet, you can not only master specific skills in specialized online courses, but also get a full-fledged higher education. Including in such demanded areas, like economics and finance.

The advantage of such education is primarily, that it allows you to deepen your knowledge, or even get a new profession without interrupting work, without leaving the career ladder. Besides, its cost is lower, than with full-time study at the same universities.

Bachelor's and Master's Degree

As in the case with online courses finance, some programs for higher education in this area can be searched on educational online platforms, such as Coursera, edX or 2U. For example, several MicroMasters programs are easy to find on edX - they are, certainly, are not a full-fledged master's degree, but passing them allows you to get a master's degree faster and cheaper later.

Among these programs are Accounting and Financial Management, prepared by the American University of Maryland. It is designed for eight weeks and costs about $900, or Business Fundamentals from the Canadian University of British Columbia - the program lasts six weeks and will cost the student $720.

However, if the choice of courses on educational platforms is almost limitless and you can find almost everything there - from programming and finance to the psychology of pets, then the offer of online higher education programs for them is not too large.

But hundreds of universities from different countries have the latter.. Numerous ratings will help you navigate in such a variety., published by different companies and organizations. It is hardly worth taking as a basis one source, but several such ratings may well give an idea of ​​the programs offered.

For example, you can use the Best College Reviews rating, which is published annually for various specialties and includes rating 25 bachelor's programs in finance online.

Ranked # 1 is Western Governors University, an online university, located in the us state of Utah. It can be a specialty Bachelor of Science in Accounting. The cost of the course is $3200 For half a year, and the time of study depends on the student himself - usually it is from a year to three years.

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In second place in the ranking - the program Online Bachelor of Science in Finance at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. It lasts four years, its cost - $7700 in year. The third place is taken by the State University of New York at Canton, which offers training in the specialty Bachelor of Business Administration in Finance, here the course costs about $7000 per semester and lasts four years.

Perhaps, the most famous ranking of higher education online is published by the American magazine U.S. News & World Report - true, in this case we are talking about all bachelor's programs, so among them you will have to choose universities, which have courses in finance and business. Among other sources - the ranking of the best UK online programs in finance or rating cheapest online bachelor's options in this field.

In the case of master's programs, the choice is even wider. So, for example, Program Online Master of Science in Finance you can go to the McDonough School of Business at the American Georgetown University. It is designed for 21 month, you have to pay for it about $35 000–40 000. Online program Online Master of Finance Pennsylvania State University provides study 30 courses and will cost about $12 000 for the semester (when studying 12 and more courses per semester) or $1000 per course with fewer courses, the duration of training depends on, how many courses the student is willing to take.

Another program is MA in Finance and Investment London School of Business and Finance. The program lasts from 18 to 36 Months (depending on the speed of the listener), is on 100% remote and costs £ 7,500 per year.

In the case of a master's degree, it also makes sense to study several rankings of online programs.. Among them, for example, A list of the best online business education courses from U.S.. News & World Report is a ranking of American university programs. Villanova University is in the first place in it., also in the top 3 are Arizona State University and Indiana University Bloomington. Among other lists, to which you can refer - rating British master's programs online and rating the BestColleges.com website.

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Online MBA

When looking for an MBA program at a Western university, it makes sense to look at the ratings, published annually by many respected publications, universities or companies - such lists will help you navigate hundreds and thousands of similar programs, offered by various universities.

For example, the list is worth picking up, which the publishes British newspaper Financial Times, - it includes 20 Programs. This year, the first place in the ranking was taken by the program Warwick MBA by Distance Learning University of Warwick in UK. It is designed for two years, the cost of the entire course is £ 31,000-32 000. Every year this program is held about 400 human.

Eight compulsory modules are studied in the first year, in the second year, the student takes four optional modules and prepares his own project. The program assumes, what, although most of the training takes place on the Internet, twice during his studies, the student will come to the University of Warwick for a week of intensive study. Besides, the course provides full-time passage of one module, however, you can attend classes other than at the University of Warwick, and in partner universities (Unfortunately, there are no Russian universities among them).

The second place in the FT rating was taken by the program Global MB Spanish business school IE Business School. It is designed for 18 months and will cost the student about € 51 200. IE Business School says, 80% course takes place online, still for 20% you need to come to classes in Madrid.

In third place is the Isenberg School of Management at the University of Massachusetts Amherst with a program Isenberg Online MBA. Unlike previous options, this program can be completed completely online., although there is also an opportunity to combine online training with face-to-face studies. There is a program from $35 000, when choosing specific specializations, for example, business analytics, sports management or entrepreneurship - from $45 000, training lasts two years.

Among other ratings, things to look out for when looking for an MBA online, - lists, prepared by an American company The Princeton Review (works in this field with 1981 of the year) or British Symonds watercolors (has been issuing various rankings in education since the 1990s).

As with the undergraduate and graduate programs, MBAs can also be found on online educational platforms. So, for example, on Coursera you can go iMBA program from the American University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Such a program will cost about $22 000, the duration of training will be from two to three years (depending on, how much time the student is willing to devote to learning and completing assignments weekly).

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Another option with Coursera − Global MBA, offered by Australian University Macquarie. This program will last from one to one and a half years, its cost will be $33 000. Several interesting courses can also be found on the 2U platform - for example, Program, prepared by business school Kogod School of Business American University in Washington, or program College of Business University of Denver.

Financial education in Russia

Although many leading Russian universities offer the opportunity to obtain an MBA degree, it is not always possible to do this online. Most courses combine online learning with the need to attend face-to-face classes at varying intervals..

Several distance MBA programs are offered Faculty of Economics, Moscow State University - these are the MBA programs "Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship", "Strategic Marketing" and "Financial Management". Duration of training - two years, cost - 380 000 rubles. The first year of study includes distance learning of nine disciplines and a six-day face-to-face session, in the second year, training is also remote, but there are already two face-to-face sessions - each for six days.

The MBA program "Challenges of the Digital World" at the Graduate School of Management, St. (are held from Wednesday to Saturday) with online training for the rest of the month. This course lasts 14 Months, in total, the listener is engaged in about 1800 hours. The cost is 1,2 million rubles.

Similar system in the program Higher School of Business SUU - there are several MBA courses here, including "Business Development Strategy", "Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance", "Information Management". All programs last 23 months, Stand 600 000 rubles and offer online training with monthly face-to-face three-day sessions from Friday to Sunday.

Business School of the Moscow University of Finance and Law (MFYUA) offers several distance MBA programs − MBA + Master in Strategic Management And MBA Management. The first program lasts two years and five months, its cost for online training is 365 000 rubles, the second program is designed for two years, it will cost in 265 000 rubles.

A source: http://www.forbes.ru/amp/367363

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