Where and how to open a forex account

Hello, friends!

Today I answer the question, which readers ask me, who are just starting to get acquainted with the financial markets: where and how open a forex account

As a rule, I avoid giving clear and unambiguous instructions., because I think, that you need to make a decision yourself, weighing all the pros and cons, after considering several dozen options.

My opinion on this question is clearly stated on the blog., so I see no point in duplicating it.

But there was additional information, which I can share.

A good alternative for forex traders is the IAFT service (International Union of Forex Traders), which returns part of the commission, what are charged by companies for each transaction.

With active trading, this is a lot of money and should not be neglected.!

Everything that's needed — register in the system and open an account according to the instructions, by choosing one or another broker to your liking. Information on brokers and companies can be found there..

How much can you save in this case? It all depends on the activity of the trader.

However, with an active intraday, a good lot can be received as commissions up to 10% and more of the deposit amount. It looks somewhat unusual for everyone., who has been trading for a long time and registered without any spread return systems, but nevertheless it is so. When you deposit at 1000 dollars you, say, made in a month 40 total transactions 10 lots. IAFT affiliate commissions amounted to, relatively speaking, 80-120 Dollars, and thanks to that, что Вы решили open a forex account through this service, The association returns you part of its affiliate commission, so in addition, what have you earned, you can still get a bonus in the amount of 60%, that is, in our case it is 48-72 dollar.

  Registration of nicknames on the forum from one IP.

The larger the deposit and the larger the number of trades, the more significant the payments.

I am sure, that this is the right decision — open a forex account through the IAFT service. In this case, an account will be opened with your broker., it's all about partnerships and agreements of this organization with leading forex brokers. I also work as a partner of this organization and consider, that there should be more such services.

To open a forex account — click on the button and follow the instructions:

Success and profits!

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