Sugar futures.

What a pity — after all, profit-taking on Sugar futures started. And my crawling stop, of course, was successfully demolished. One and a half month in a position on the medium-term system. The trend following system WOULD be profit too, but, Unfortunately, missed the entrance again, and then it was just not to go — went up without pullbacks..

Regarding the publication about the illegal company VolFix, the editorial office received many personal messages with compromising evidence on them.. One of them is something like this, in short: When Broko's company was hit by the SEC about hacking customer accounts, they actively collaborated with Volfix and used this program, stuffed with trojans to steal customer passwords and then trade from hacked accounts, etc.. ….
I certainly believe in it, but since the version is unconfirmed, and could damage the reputation of the esteemed Broko, I will not publish. Publish, please in your magazines. But here's the Zerich company, which according to the director of VolFix, will use this program for their clients, I would like to warn you not to step on the same rake, on which Broko stepped….

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