FSB begins to follow you with 1 august.

With 1 August, a new anti-terrorist law comes into force in the Russian Federation, providing the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation with full right to receive practically all personal data of users of Internet resources, registered in the Russian Federation.
Thus, at the legislative level, the FSB acquires the full right to interfere in the private life of Russian citizens..
Data on all logins and email addresses of its users, lists of their contacts, quantity information, the volume and addressees of transmitted messages, owners of mail servers, blog hosting, forums and social networks will be required to provide at the first request of representatives of Russian government agencies.

The most popular social networks in Russia from which you should retire as soon as possible:

1. Яндекс – http://www.yandex.ru/
2. In contact with - http://vk.com/
3. Classmates - http://www.odnoklassniki.ru/
4. LiveInternet – http://www.liveinternet.ru/
5. Блоги@Mail.Ru – http://blogs.mail.ru/
6. My Circle - http://moikrug.ru/

For those interested in trading, investment registration on the Smart Lab portal is relevant (smart-lab.ru), where so many foolishly registered, but it is impossible to leave there, since such an operation is not provided by the owner of this resource. You can only change all your data, for example, on Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov from Ivanovo. :)

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