Forex Investor - Automatic Forex Trading

With the development of such unique tools, as advisors and automated Forex systems, each trader has the opportunity to trade profitably on the foreign exchange market. At the same time, the level of theoretical qualifications and practical experience of the player faded into the background..

Automatic trading on the international foreign exchange market Forex - process, not run by humans, and a special program, which is built into the trading terminal. Данная программа – советник/торговый robot – can independently close and open positions in accordance with clearly defined algorithms. Trade with Professional Forex Experts (например от компании Forex Investor) has the following advantages:

  • Firstly, programs run without interruption, what, by definition, a person cannot do (he is – trader);
  • Secondly, the advisor can be configured in accordance with your own trading strategy - the trading robot will give signals, and also close / open only those positions, which the player needs;
  • Thirdly, the advisor is able to track several (and even all) currency pairs, which helps to increase the trader's income;
  • Fourth, Forex experts insure against mistakes and exclude the impact of emotions on the trading process;
  • And finally, enable market beginners to start their Forex careers with a minimum set of practical experience.

Известный разработчик ПО для автоматизированной торговли на международном валютном рынке – Forex Investor Company, founded in June 2010 of the year. За два года работы база клиентов компании превысила 30 thousands of people. Expert Advisors and Trading Systems, offered by Forex Investor, characterized by high functionality and ease of use. Each product has a detailed, clear instructions and recommendations for use. Any client can test the selected system on a Demo account, without risking your money.

The company aims to ensure the reliability and quality of the software created and offers its products absolutely free. The recommendations for setting up experts are periodically adjusted, new versions of automatic trading systems are being developed. If desired, the trader can get acquainted with the test results of each product - the data is recorded and provided upon request. Traders work with the company for more than 23 countries of the world, including UK, Russia, USA, стран СНГ, Israel, Germany, etc..

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Official site – The resource is equipped with convenient video instructions for working with programs and the company. The section "Useful articles" contains a lot of materials on various aspects of working in the Forex market.

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