Forex investing in pamm. The best managers 2013 of the year

Hello, friends!

Everything flows and everything changes in our world. And we have to change with him, unless we want to be somewhere in the backyard of history with our inert ideas and views.

Stagnant thinking — degradation rate. I do not wish for myself, neither will you live Groundhog Day for many years.

Now to the point.

Topic of the day today: forex investing in pamm

Some of the readers write to me, that I was wrong about the FX Trend service in this article. Should be understood, that I have no complaints about the company itself and its employees. I don't like the loss allocation system in their PAMM system.. I think she's stupid.

Maybe I'm wrong about, that he condemned such a profit distribution scheme? After all, it was originally aimed at, to maximize the safety of investors' funds, and the trader-manager is forced to be very careful about risks, because it is he who will lose his capital in the first place, and only after that investors will suffer.

We must pay tribute — FX Trend's look at forex investing in pamm оказался верным, what gave its results, so now компания Альпари I do not see the leader of the forex industry. Especially in that, with regard to investment service.

And after another drain «великой» traders Iron_Lady, which Alpari was presented as a model for everyone, posting a laudatory interview about her 20 000% arrived (casino jackpot happens too, so what?, but after a month I leaked everything), я прихожу к выводу, that only tough measures can erase our craving for games, азарту, clumsiness. And I am for 7 years of trading I've seen enough of everything and I'm unpleasant, that those companies, who are at the origins of Forex in the CIS are pursuing such a narrow-minded policy, like the alps.

I will recommend placing your investments in more reliable PAMM accounts., where risk and frantic interest are not exalted to the skies, and preference is given to restrained, competent and systematic, predictable work of traders-managers.

  Puppeteers, кукл, fufl ...........

Today for you I will analyze the best PAMM accounts of FX Trend..

Those accounts, which I will recommend for forex investing in pamm, meet a number of important conditions:

1. Life span — from 12 Months

2. Funds in management — over a million dollars

3. Maximum relative drawdown less 50%

4. Expected Annual Return — above 150%

5. Low volatility on the account (which suggests that there is a reasonable trading system)

At the same time, I did not set the task of giving step-by-step instructions for opening an account.. That is unnecessary. Opening an account with FX Trend, follow the detailed instructions.

Then we replenish the investment account and attach it to one or another PAMM account.

If something is technically incomprehensible with the investment process — details on this page.


For more convenience — Let's briefly go over the terminology using the example of one of the accounts:

Manager's initial capital: 1500.00 USD (this is the starting amount on the manager's account)
Trading period: 1 Sunday (distribution of profit / loss is carried out at the end of each week)
Вознаграждение: 50% (the profit is divided between the manager / investor in the ratio 50/50)
Commission: 20% (this is a penalty for early withdrawal of funds, in this case in the middle of the week. Be careful with early withdrawal!)
A responsibility: 0% (on pamm accounts 2.0 the manager compensates for the loss to the investor at the expense of his capital. In this case, the loss is not compensated for by the trader's insured amount)
Minimum amount and balance: 200.00 USD (minimum investment)
Минимальная сумма пополнения: 50.00 USD (after investing the minimum amount, it can be replenished by this amount or more)
Minimum balance: 50.00 USD (lower limit of funds on the investor's account)

1. 7093 AlexZhuk (expected annual return +190%, Maximum drawdown 16%, about 2 million dollars in management)

Manager's initial capital: 1500.00 USD
Trading period: 1 Sunday
Вознаграждение: 50%
Commission: 20%
A responsibility: 0%
Minimum amount and balance: 200.00 USD
Минимальная сумма пополнения: 50.00 USD
Minimum balance: 50.00 USD

Fairly aggressive trading. В месяц trader ориентируется на 20% arrived, hence the high volatility for 2013 year. Last six months — makes about 15% per month. Unfortunately, there is no description of the trading strategy, does not communicate on the forum.

  # 6 Super Short Term System for Futures. Copper.

2. 7165 Вероника (expected annual return +176%, Maximum drawdown 7%, more 7 million dollars in management)

Manager's initial capital: 15 000.00 USD
Trading period: 1 Sunday
Вознаграждение: 50%
Commission: 50%
A responsibility: 0%
Minimum amount and balance: 1 000.00 USD
Минимальная сумма пополнения: 500.00 USD
Minimum balance: 100.00 USD

Вероника — renowned managing director at FX Trend. Differs in consistency, literacy, inspires investor confidence in trading performance. IN 2013 years there were two unprofitable months , the drawdowns were really small: -2% And -8%. On average tends to yield 8-10% per month.

3. 10253 investobolin (expected annual return +229%, Maximum drawdown -10% more 2,5 million dollars in management)

Manager's initial capital: 6000.00 USD
Trading period: 4 weeks (month)
Вознаграждение: 50%
Commission: 50%
A responsibility: 0%
Minimum amount and balance: 100.00 USD
Минимальная сумма пополнения: 100.00 USD
Minimum withdrawal: 50.00 USD

The manager strives for the same 20% profit monthly, at the same time, the drawdown can also reach 20%. But we must pay tribute — statistics speak in his favor and unprofitable months are rare. From 29 trading months only 6 showed a loss. Uses adaptive channel trading. Not bad!

4. 5995 Avas (expected annual return +256%, Maximum drawdown 27%, more 6 million dollars in management)

Manager's initial capital: 1000.00 USD
Trading period: 4 weeks (month)
Вознаграждение: 50%
Commission: 5%
A responsibility: 0%
Minimum amount and balance: 1000.00 USD
Минимальная сумма пополнения: 200.00 USD
Minimum balance: 200.00 USD

Grigory Borisov, in the markets already 6 years. Applies medium-term trading in trading, based on fundamental analysis and technical indicators. Fairly conservative trade, lately tends to 10% per month, so that the real indicator of profitability on the account I see in the area 90-100% per annum excluding reinvestment. But he trades carefully and calmly. To many people this is, what the doctor ordered.

  Trading- hard business!!!

5. 7031 sven (expected annual return +244%, Maximum drawdown 38%, about 11 million dollars in management)

Manager's initial capital: 3 000.00 USD
Trading period: 1 Sunday
Вознаграждение: 50%
Commission: 30%
A responsibility: 0%
Minimum amount and balance: 200.00 USD
Минимальная сумма пополнения: 100.00 USD
Minimum balance: 100.00 USD

Another calm and self-possessed trader, who strives for 7-8% profit per month. IN 2013 there were no unprofitable months. In my opinion — the most amount of investments is in his account. Strategy, according to the description, следующая: mostly intraday, but in certain cases transactions are held 2-3 days. Trading is carried out with the trend, and also used corrections from support and resistance levels. Trading Instruments — euro and pound. Taking into account its conservative MM, the expected return will also fluctuate around 100-120% per annum.

So far I have prepared information on the topic forex investing in pamm for seasoned accounts, которым по 2-3 of the year. Subsequently, I plan to review the most interesting PAMM accounts with a shorter lifespan, which I will find promising. Including aggressive MM. I will post the information here, so don't miss out and subscribe to the RSS.

Hope, that my work will help you invest correctly and learn in practice, what is literate forex investing in pamm.

Don't put off your financial prosperity until tomorrow. Let this cute picture gold Mercy make it to your garage — act today!

Good luck!

And God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen Trading.

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