stock market on 28 February: The Central Bank prohibits foreigners from selling securities, bought in Russia, latest news

Ban on orders from non-residents and delayed start of trading

stock market on 28 February: The Central Bank prohibits foreigners from selling securities, bought in Russia, latest news

The investment editorial staff of Tinkoff Journal is monitoring the situation on the stock exchanges and will update the news.

With 28 February Russian Brokers cannot sell securities on behalf of non-residents - foreign companies and individuals. Temporary ban imposed by the Central Bank.

The regulator did not specify the timing of the ban. The professional association of financiers ACI Russia has published an order, which the Central Bank sent to brokers. The document says, that the ban is in effect 07:00 28 February and does not apply to applications, submitted so far.

The Central Bank also postponed the start of trading on the stock market of the Moscow Exchange - they will open no earlier than 15:00. The regulator will announce the final decision in 13:00, after "evaluate the feasibility of opening trading" depending on the development of the situation. The morning session usually starts at 06:50, and the main auctions start from 10 morning.

SPb-Exchange will start trading in Russian and foreign securities in the main trading mode no earlier than 17:00 Moscow time. The exchange will announce the exact time later..

The Moscow Exchange also postponed trading on the currency and money markets: they started at 10:00 instead of 07:00. Trades and settlements on currency repo transactions will not be conducted on the money market.

The Bank of Russia imposed restrictions after the announced sanctions: The European Union has banned European companies and funds from conducting operations with reserves and assets of the Russian Central Bank, as well as with any legal entities, who act on behalf of or on behalf of the Central Bank.

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