Fund of funds (FOF)

Fund of funds (FOF) – joint investment fund, investing?? to other types of funds. In other words, his portfolio includes various basic backpacks of other funds and replaces any direct investment in bonds, shares and other types of securities.

Fund of funds (FOF)

FOF can be organized as a mutual fund, investment fund, direct investment fund or investment trust. It can be limited, in other words, invest only in knapsacks, which are managed by one investment company, also free to invest in funds throughout the market.

Usually, FOF lure little financiers, who want to get huge openness with the lowest risks in relation to direct investments in securities or even in some funds. Investing in FOF provides the financier with professional wealth management services and expert research, also gives financiers with limited capital access to diversified backpacks with different underlying assets, almost all of which could be beyond the reach of the average retail financier.

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