The Elliott Wave Protest Philosophy in Joseph's Simplified Version.

When asked why such an extremely low activity of the population (10-30%) at yesterday's elections, representatives of different political currents give conflicting answers.

— Non-systemic opposition says that the reason for this — disappointment of people in elections and inability to change anything due to rigging.
Единая Россия (ПЖиВ) claims that when people feel good and everyone is happy with their lives, they do not need to go to the polls, because everything is fine anyway.
— The systemic opposition blames the belolentochnikov" — allegedly, with their clown antics, they turned the elections into a circus and therefore the people no longer go there.

(based on the Internet press and TV-RBK)

Personally, I think, what 80% the population did not even suspect that some kind of elections were taking place somewhere.  :)

The meaning is similar to the second wave of Elliot. The first wave began in 2011 year and died after the dispersal of Bolotnaya Square and the gradual drainage of the protest movement by FSB Lieutenant Colonels Navalny and Udaltsov. Now correction (2-I am wave) waiting for the most powerful and longest third wave (based on a simplified analysis of Elliot waves as interpreted by Joseph) led by new leaders, maybe, under the banner of Pussy Riot, numbered among the holy trinity of martyrs of the Samutsevich regime, Tolokonnikova and Alekhina. Who will live to see the fifth wave, will be able to observe the global correction A-B-C.

  Soros doctrine
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