Fenix_FX: 10 years of the LCHI or Requiem for a Dream

Hello, friends!

Here, people shared a link on FB, and I would like to share with you my colleague's opinion on the Moscow Exchange and its working methods.

"If you want a million - give me a phone"
(from Books «Как освоить PR бюджет для чайников»)

About that, that a grandiose advertising campaign for the LPI competition with a chic budget is being prepared, I learned somewhere in the beginning of summer. 30-35 million. rub. only for promotion. Moreover, according to the portals, for which the exchange and financial literacy, main themes, they are not taken into this project. The advertising contract was given to a secret PR office, whose name is undisclosed and the mega-secret. — Well, you understand everything, — they told me.

Personally, I didn't care, main, what is the budget, there are professionals, Hurrah! A fresh look, always good.
In early September, I was offered to participate in this project.. The idea was great. Conduct a quality campaign to find new clients using the success stories of several successful traders, which the exchange can vouch for, that they earn really good. Beginners would get into a special training program for the Champions League and could try their hand at the competition.

The photography invitation for this project came only a couple of months later at the end of October., when registration for the competition has already ended. Considering the time lag, which is necessary for a beginner, to understand, what do they want from him, было очевидно, that it is physically impossible to keep pace with the start of an advertising campaign.

The exchange found, as it seems to her a wonderful way out, in order to still have time to spend the allocated funds. She renewed her registration in the competition for 2 weeks and since November, she began to aggressively attack the Runet with some kind of nuclear trash and sludge, exactly repeating the techniques of the kitchens of the forex dumpsters.


These are real banners of the Moscow Exchange, not photoshop! Что это вообще такое?

Well I do not know… You can imagine an advertising banner for Vedomosti with yellow press slogans? Я – нет. This is some kind of madness. And all these banners led to a page with my image and a fake quote.

  For beginners infa ...

I believe, that's very honorable, participate in advertising of exchange projects, but was forced to demand to take my photos from the campaign, since my image was turned-as-wanted without any coordination. Instead of a conceived project, just took a picture of me, you yourself invented a quote for me, stuck it in the teeth and slit the banners. On requests to change — killed.

Who cares, you can read this story in detail at Link.

I would also forgive this way of attracting, if from banners people got into some meaningful space with a client processing strategy. But the trick is, that people go stupidly nowhere! To a dead-end stub page with my photo with a getara, extorting the client's personal data and explaining nothing. The creators didn't even bother to make hyperlinks, and the document with the conditions of the LPI on this page informs, that registration is over 1 november. Pruf

I filled out this form myself ... I was later explained, that the exchange just uploads these contacts to brokers. Представляете, как рады Brokers контакту, which came with the slogan “You want to get rich quick? And make money on the Internet?». I was looking forward to the call, to tell me, как быстро разбогатеть, and how to get a million, but didn’t wait. I will not get rich, means(((( Well, that is, no one calls, somebody will merge the base in the next Royal Max Brokers, they will definitely call.

Why in a few months with such a budget, all, что смогли сделать, this is a one-page website and buy a forex photobank garbage can for 3 pennies? With all this, on profile resources, I have not met anything from MB. Why? - "Well, you understand everything." (with).


Why is the reviewer encouraged to trade?? He himself does not trade! Какая «successful stability»? In forecasts?

  Reflection. Analysis or self-digging?

Here's another example of contextual advertising:


Errors.. Errors everywhere, slipshod inaccuracies… What is financial literacy, if it is not in the spelling even at the high school level?

Such a feeling, что вообще все равно, what to advertise, wieners or Moscow Exchange. Does not matter, what to write and absolutely reluctant to understand. But the truth is this:

– there is no contest for beginners with a prize 1 million. rub. This is just a marketing invention.! I.e, actually, the exchange collects personal data by misleading people, if not worse
– and another little nuance. Well how small. I filled in this data a long time ago. And nobody calls me!!))) That is, I don't understand at all, what is this, for what and why money was spent.

If this is a competition advertisement, then what's the point of doing it after the competition? If this is a status advertisement, to ok, but why then such trash and lack of attention to detail?

And with all this PR effort, everybody doesn't care, that when asked in Google "Moscow Exchange" — the first ad with the same name from crooks. Who do we end up promoting? Kondakov's pyramid?


If it seems to someone, that this is not pzdts, then I don't even know ....

Я плачу очень большие taxes the state, and the only thing, why i don't really want to pay them, this is what, what i understand, that most of this money will be sawed or spent ineffectively. This is my money too.

We, private traders pay very large commissions to the exchange, and I'm not very pleased, когда я вижу, that this money is simply scattered or mastered.

All the past LCHI were united by that, what people, who dealt with them, did it with love. Misha Ivanov, Valery Skotnikov they always tried to hear traders, brokers, and it was right. Now some kind of soulless car has come and everything is smoking, as she wants. Do not know, How are you, but I disagree.

  Pair trading. Continuation -1.

It takes a long time to build a reputation and is very expensive, it can be easily destroyed in a couple of months. No matter how titanic efforts Roman Sulzhik makes for the technological development of the exchange, they will be in vain without building trust and developing a wide domestic market for private traders, as well as competent PR and marketing.

What do I want from exchange marketing? I want modern, stylish and smart advertising, for which you would not be ashamed.

I want attention to detail, respect for the audience, and most importantly, desire to make our market a little better, and not just "master the budget, get a bonus and forget ".

I want, so that PR people forbid not interviewing Valery Skotnikov, and crooks, who advertise their services on Google under the Moscow Exchange brand. For executives to see those layouts, which are used in advertising. Want, for the exchange to become a place, where they love and respect their customers, care and support them.

I myself have implemented a sufficient number of projects and I do not see more than one reason, to make it impossible.

The stock exchange is not my enemy, but practically a family member, my life and work. One of the beloved family members, and that's why I'm so partial. It just seems to me, that the 2-year period of the merger is time to end and start organizing the processes correctly.

Success to all!

Original here

Here is such a sad picture.

And you know what? Seems, I understand now. where are there so many shkoloty on Smartlab — they are attracted to the markets with such advertising!

If before we, молодые, moonlighting those, that something was being unloaded, guarded, dug, now teenagers have the Internet and do not need to do anything, as the advertisement says — earn millions while sitting at home at your computer between games and social media. Мечта!

God bless you, at least until the next blog update Zen trading

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