Face Curtis – Path of the Turtles. From dilettantes to legendary traders

Face Curtis – Path of the Turtles. From dilettantes to legendary traders

Фейс Кертис - Путь Черепах. Из дилетантов в легендарные трейдеры

This is the first book, written by a participant in a legendary trading experiment. For the first time, the details of, what and how the initiator of the experiment, Richard Dennis - "Prince of the Pit" taught the beginners, as he was dubbed in stock exchange circles.

You will learn, What markets did the Turtles trade in?, what entry and exit tactics did they use, what trends followed, how the risks were calculated, what restrictions were required to comply and why some Turtles suffered a fiasco, while others have earned millions. And most importantly - why the practical experience of trading in the past or its absence did not play any role in this.

Useful reading for both experienced, and for novice traders. A fun reading for all the curious.


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