FCX : Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.

freeport-mcmoranFreeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX), through its subsidiary, Phelps Dodge Corporation (Phelps Dodge) is copper, золота и молибдена компанией добычи. The company's product portfolio includes the mineral assets of the Grasberg region in Indonesia, which contains one recoverable reserves of copper and one gold reserve of any mine; significant mining operations in the Americas, as well as the development of the tenké Fungurume project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo ( ДРК). As of 31 December 2008 of the year, total recoverable proved and probable reserves were 102,0 billion. pounds of copper, 40 million ounces of gold, 2.48 млрд фунтов молибдена, 266,6 million. ounces of silver and 0,7 billion. pounds of cobalt. About 35% world copper reserves in Indonesia, about 31% находятся в Южной Америке, about 28% were in North America and about six% are in Africa. About 96% world gold reserves in Indonesia, the remaining gold reserves are in South America. Molybdenum reserves, primarily in North America (about 85%), from its remaining molybdenum reserves in South America.

FCX Mining Revenues for the Year, ended 31 December 2008, includes copper sales (about 76%), молибдена (about 14%) and gold (about seven%). It consists of five operating copper mines in North America, four in South America and the Grasberg region of minerals in Indonesia. She also has one primary molybdenum mine operating in North America. IN 2008 year approx. 60% its consolidated copper production from Grasberg, Morenci and Serro-Verde min, и более половины ее добывается медь была продана в концентрате, about 27% in the rod (mainly from North America operations), и примерно 19% by cathodes. IN 2008 year approx. 55% its combined production of molybdenum, from the Henderson mine of molybdenum and about 45% were produced as a by-product primarily for their North America copper mines. He also produces gold as a by-product in his copper mines., primarily on the district minerals Grasberg in Indonesia, на долю которого приходится примерно 90% its consolidated gold production in 2008 year.

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In North America, FCX имеет пять операционных медных рудников: Morenci, Sierrita, Baghdad and Safford in Arizona, и Тайрон в Нью-Мексико. Besides, my Chino in New Mexico was placed on relief and maintenance status in December 2008 of the year. All these operations are wholly owned by, excluding Morenci, неприсоединенной совместное предприятие, in which she owns 85% indivisible interest. В дополнение к меди, Morenci, Sierrita and Baghdad mini production of molybdenum as a by-product. В Индонезии, Fri Freeport Indonesia operates the Grasberg Minerals District. It has joint venture agreements with Rio Tinto Plc (Rio Tinto), international mining companies, with respect to part of its mining activities in Indonesia. She owns 90,64% from PT Freeport Indonesia and the Government of Indonesia, the remaining 9,36% Shares. Its Grasberg Minerals District also produces significant amounts of gold and silver as by-products. ПТ Фрипорт Индонезия также владеет 25% PT melting, smelting and refining company in Gresik, Indonesia. She produces molybdenum at her wholly owned Henderson Molybdenum Mine in Colorado. Besides, she owns the Climax molybdenum mine in Colorado. In addition to its mines, she has mines in development. В Индонезии, it develops underground mines. In Africa, she has an effective 57,75% shares in tenké Fungurume copper and cobalt concession in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Северная Америка Copper Mines

North America mines include open pit copper, sulphide ore concentrating, leaching and SX / EW operations. Most of the copper production in the North American mines copper cast copper rod into FCX's fishing rods & processing operations. Copper North America Mines Division includes Morenci and Sierrita as reportable segments. Morenci career, расположенного на юго-востоке штата Аризона, mainly produces copper cathode and copper concentrates. In addition to copper, the Morenci mine produces a small amount of molybdenum concentrate as a by-product. Sierrita карьер, расположенный в округе Пима, state of arizona, mainly produces copper cathodes, медные концентраты и медного купороса. В дополнение к меди на шахте Sierrita производит молибденовый концентрат в качестве побочного продукта. Other mines include FCX Other operating southwestern US copper mines: Багдад, Safford и Тирона. В дополнение к меди, Baghdad mine produces molybdenum concentrate as a by-product. Other mines also include FCX's Southwest US copper mines, who are in care and maintenance-status, в том числе Майами и Чино.

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Южная Америка Copper Mines

FCX has four operating copper mines in South America, Cerro Verde in Peru, а Канделарии, Охос-дель-Саладо и Эль-Абра в Чили. These operations include open pit and underground mining, sulphide ore concentrating, leaching and SX / EW operations. Copper South America Mines Division included Cerro Verde. Cerro Verde open pit copper mine, расположенного вблизи Арекипа, Peru, производит медные катоды и медных концентратов. В дополнение к меди, Cerro Verde mine produces molybdenum concentrate as a by-product. In the first quarter 2009 of the year, FCX Announces Plans To Cut Temporary Molybdenum Scheme In Cerro Verde. Other mines include FCX's Chilean copper mines – Candelaria, Охос-дель-Саладо и Эль-Абра, which include open pits and mines, sulphide ore concentrating, leaching and SX / EW operations. В дополнение к меди, Candelaria and Ojos del Salado mines produce gold and silver as by-products.


Indonesia includes Mining Grasberg PT Freeport Indonesia Mineral Resource Area. PT Freeport Indonesia produces copper concentrate, которые содержат значительные количества золота и серебра.


Africa mining includes tenké Fungurume copper and cobalt mining concessions in Katanga province of the Republic of Congo. Construction work is well developed and initial production is targeted during the second half 2009 of the year. The original project at tenké Fungurume is based on the mining and processing of ore reserves approximating 119 million tons with average grades of ore per 2,6% copper and 0,35% cobalt.


Molybdenum segment by an integrated molybdenum producer, with loot, sulphide ore concentrating, roasting and processing plants, which produce high purity, molybdenum based chemicals, молибдена металлического порошка и металлургической продукции, which is sold to consumers around the world, and includes Henderson's wholly owned molybdenum mine in Colorado and facilities, transformation-related. Henderson underground mine yields high purity, chemical grade molybdenum concentrate, which are usually processed into value-added molybdenum chemical products. This segment also includes a sales company, which is engaged in the purchase and sale of molybdenum at the Henderson mine, and also from FCX North and South America copper mines, molybdenum is produced as a by-product.

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Rod & oil refining

Rod & refining segment consists of copper conversion facilities, located in North America.

Atlantic copper smelter & oil refining

Atlantic copper, wholly owned by the FCX Smelting Group in Spain, smelt and processing of copper concentrate and market of refined copper and precious metals into sludge. PT Freeport Indonesia and South America mines copper whole to sell part of its concentrate and cathode (South America) production in Atlantic Copper.

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