Estonia is already in the Eurozone?)

Commission says ready to back Estonia’s eurozone bid

If nothing extraordinary happens, the Commission will give its positive opinion for the accession of Estonia to the euro zone on 12 May," an EU official said, clearing the way for Baltic country to join the euro in 2011.

On 12 May, the European Commission is also scheduled to publish its convergence report for 2009. "It will be the day of deepening and also possibly gradually widening the euro area," Economics Commissioner Olli Rehn said on Wednesday (14 April) during a press conference in Brussels.

learned from here: Is Estonia’s Euro Membership A Done Deal?
in short, then:
* Estonia can be admitted to the Eurozone (by formal criteria)
* if not accepted, the markets may doubt the euro (why are you not following your rules, what is scary, Yes?)
* if you accept the markets may doubt the euro (why do you need more problems, you and Greece can't figure it out)

I actually don't like all these interpretations, they say so and so good / bad.
but the Estonian theme can be played at the end of our May holidays.

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