Eskimo cuisine

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An argument against vegetarianism in the harsh, cold conditions:Эскимосская_кухня

Эскимосы считают, what a diet, consisting, mostly, from meat, полезна, makes the body healthy and strong and helps to keep warm”
Эскимосы считают, that their kitchen is much healthier, than the kitchen of the "white man"”
эскимосы верят в то, that a meat diet insulates, if you constantly eat Eskimo. One Eskimos, Oleetao (Oleetoa), ate a mixture of Eskimo and Western food, Said, that when he compared his strength, warmth and energy with those of its cousin, who ate only Eskimo food, то оказалось, that brother is stronger and more enduring. Eskimos in general tend to blame the lack of Eskimo food for their illnesses.”

This is what I need. When the frosts hit, everyone really wanted dumplings, мяса, shmat lard with vodka, and similar, traditional things in our area :)

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