Еще один.

Tour operators keep pouring in http://rbctv.rbc.ru/archive/main_news/text/562949992042891.shtml
Vouchers, this year, offered at bargain prices. By the way,, alone, and many friends, services of travel agencies lately, practically did not use, dispensed with mediation. An exception – Greece, because the flight is direct – very convenient, and regular, from our city – No.
I, By the way, long ago drew attention to this feature (and I judge by myself too), when there are orders, clientele, business is developing, money goes, a person falls into an illusion, what's flooded, and it will always be so, and few people think about the airbag. And everything happens in cycles, i.e, then no, with all the attendant. Our task, be able to prepare for a crisis in fat years, to have time to reorient, перестроиться, relearn, if anything, or just wait it out. Learning to take such a lesson in life.

  I continue to smoke the Grail ...
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