A little more evidence.

I ran several dozen more charts in chartgame, using different approaches, трендовый, контртрендовый, пробойный. Local countertrend is almost always preferable, with the right entry conditions (which I usually use). Moreover, it can be like the main trend, and against. Many frequent transactions, with quick fix, give more profit, than rare, with distant goals. It's not about pipsing, but about trading up to certain levels, taking a few candles. Output: even if there is a good movement, profit is needed periodically “take off the table”, leaving part of the position in the market (which in general I usually do). In case of a countertrend, the conditions for exiting the stop are very clearly visible., in the trend they are more distant and blurred. Predicting short moves is much easier, than a long, the same as with the weather forecast, easier to predict the weather in an hour, than a month later.

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