Emotion and trade

Are you overwhelmed by emotions?? Or, vice versa, almost nothing can make you mad? Some people are more likely to experience unattractive emotions, than others. It's part of our character. When you try to control your emotions during a trading session, very useful to know, how resistant you are to unpleasant emotional influences. Personal character traits develop over time and are relatively stable in different situations.. People differ in the degree of their predisposition to bear unpleasant emotions., such as sadness, fear, anger in different situations. Are you giving in to emotions too much?? Take a little test, Evaluating, each of the yes or no statements, applied to myself.

1. Most of the day I feel your tiredness.
2. I miss for an hour.
3. I often tremble.
4. I often feel tired.
5. I find it hard to do whatever it takes.
6. I'm worried about my future.
7. Something makes me angry almost every day.
8. I often feel disappointed.
9. Некоторые лю ди думают, that I am often in a bad mood.
10. I often feel pessimistic about the future..
11. Times I feel your anger for no particular reason.
12. I feel, that it's hard for me to concentrate.
13. I often feel sadness.
14. It's easy to make me nervous.
15. I am often afraid of future events..
16. I am more angry, than most people.
17. I would like, to make my life richer.
18. I am easily embarrassed.
19. I'm worried about, how is my life.
20. I often feel depressed.
21. The events of the past made me nervous, when i think about them.

  Than speculating lately, short notes.

Count the number of yes answers, and for each of them write down one point for yourself. How many points did you score? Если вы набрали 3 очка или менее, then you enter the group poo, which included less 25% traders from our reference group, which passed the test. This number of points shows, that you tend to have positive emotions at different times and in different situations. If you have collected 10 points or more, then you are part of the group, which included less 25% interviewed. These people are prone to, to experience unpleasant emotions. Traders, who have gained so many, lack of self-confidence, they find trading to be stressful, they are easily pissed off by failure, they often feel fear and reproach themselves for losing trades.

It is very important to know, how influenced you are when trading. If you often experience negative emotions, when you don't trade, they will probably overwhelm you during the trading day.. but, if you are emotional, it doesn't mean, that you cannot control emotions during the trading day, however this means, that compared to other people you have problems, related to this control. Maybe, you need to take additional steps to do this. Certainly, думать о том, that a person can remain stony calm in the face of successive failures, fantastic. That fact, that you are overwhelmed with emotions, doesn't mean, that you cannot control them, but means, that you need to work on yourself, to create the right state of mind when trading.

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