Profit chart of trader Jesse Lauriston Livermore – Equity deposit

Jesse Lauriston Livermore (English. Jesse Lauriston Livermore; 1877—1940) - stock speculator of the early XX century. Famous for the, that I managed to earn several times and then lose fortunes, estimated in millions of dollars. Also known for his short selling (uncovered sales) during stock market crashes 1907 And 1929 years, for which he received the nickname "Great Bear"[. 28 november 1940 of the year, deeply depressed, Livermore committed suicide.

Some facts
Jesse Livermore was born in the small American town of Shrewsbury, Massachusetts (New england). He started his career trader at the age of fifteen. He left home with his mother's consent., because he didn't want to be a farmer, like his father. At the age of fifteen, he made a profit $1000 (which is equivalent to roughly $20.000 in terms of the current value of the dollar), making transactions in offices, which were only nominally brokerage, but in fact they were bookmakers or gambling houses (English. bucket shops), who accepted bets on the increase or decrease of exchange prices for goods or shares.

Livermore won and lost multimillion-dollar fortunes throughout his life.. Most famous for his arrival in $3 million and $100 million during stock market crashes 1907 And 1929 years respectively. But later he lost all that money.

Many of Jesse Livermore's lessons and trading principles are described in Memoirs of a Stock Market Speculator. (Reminiscences of a Stock Operator) Edvina Lefevra. Although Livermore's name is not directly mentioned in this book (except for the author's dedication), it is considered, which is a prototype for the hero Books Jesse Livermore and the true facts of his biography.

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