
Lyrical digression.

By nature, I am an inventor.. I like to experiment, придумывать, изобретать, испытывать. тестировать, debug… Maybe, именно по этому, I became a programmer. Programming — the easiest way to give birth to something. I trudge from the birth of something new. And when he created, I'm not interested in this messing around. I'm getting started on a new. Not very trader's qualities, Yes? Well, to hell with him.

Briefly speaking. Another experiment. Above oneself. I sit down on an antidepressant. The cheapest — fluoxetine (оригинал — prozac, created by Eli Lilly and Company Ltd).

The idea is to become less emotional and annoying, more balanced. It's easier to look at all sorts of crap and not worry about drawdowns ((: Есть вероятность положительного воздействия на Trading.

The manual reads: «The clinical effect develops through 1-4 weeks after start…» I plan at least two months (if the side effects don't get sick sooner).

Googled, read the forums. Stupidly lay out a quote.

«Started taking Fluoxetine . Since it is cheaper. The drug also helped me pretty quickly.. Now I have been taking one pill for a month now. 4. I don't really feel any side effects, only in the morning weakness and some kind of foggy in the head. I want to take a pill as soon as possible. After taking the pill, everything goes away quickly, energy appears, desire to do something. I work in production, physical labor, although I'm tired, but I do an hour of gymnastics every day, due to back problems. I walk my dog ​​for 3 hours a day. I go for walks a lot, even running. I have enough strength for everything. For instance,when there was an aggravation of depression, could lie for days, there was no strength to do anything and no desire either.
She became very calm while taking the drug, I practically do not react to stimuli. Or react with humor. On the other hand, she became more talkative, sociable, used to be such a beech. So this is what I mean . It's easier for me to live with antidepressants. […] The only thing, which is alarming for weakness in the morning and loss of appetite.»

«I drank fluoxetine too. I took it right 20 mg per day in the morning, appetite was normal, no nausea, etc. But on the third day I smoked a pack of cigarettes (I haven't smoked for two days before), and what started here. Three hours later, I begin to rush around the apartment like a clockwork toy., I am seized by a wild anxiety, heart is pounding very hard, boiling water flows through the veins instead of blood, I'm all pale, head hurts so, as if they were sawing it with a file, gray dots before the eyes, flies. Then the attack was repeated in the evening, but in a blurry form: only: only wild anxiety and headache with dots. And at night it all started from the beginning, pulse was 110 + wild alarm, tachycardia,Strong headache, desire to walk around the apartment, back heat, gray dots in front of the eyes.»

«I will also share my impression of Prozac. I drank exactly a month and was very disappointed. By the 4th week, the dosage was raised to 60 mg and no effect, only side symptoms similar to what Lilya wrote: clouding of consciousness, отупение, cottoniness, absolute indifference to everything, asthenia, distortions of taste. I do not want to say that fluoxetine is a bad drug., on the contrary, I heard a lot of positive feedback here and there, but for example it didn't suit me at all, the doctor said that this is a paradoxical reaction of the body to fluoxetine. Prozac is a stimulant drug, and I had a completely inhibitory and sedative effect. Well, I will simply not say anything about depressive symptoms.. So everything here is purely individual, if you didn't fit, does not mean that it will not suit everyone else. Moreover, according to reviews and clinics. tested drug is really good.»

«And I have only positive reviews about Fluoxetine. I accept it from the end of January to 20 mg in the morning. If there were any side effects, then disappeared long ago. From taking the first capsule, I felt like a man. Дальше-больше. Started taking from bulimic neurosis + depression. None of this is observed now, neither. I want to increase the dose to 40 mg, but after reading about seratonin syndrome it is somehow scary.»

«Taking it,patients are not only treated for depression, but also change as a person!
Becoming more self-confident,decreased sensitivity to criticism or dislike,alleviates homesickness, manifestations of nervousness,decreases interest in pornography. The drug has proven useful in treating food disorders, premenstrual syndrome, attention deficit disorder, drug addiction and sexual problems ( from libido to the problem of premature ejaculation)»

«Yes, sexual problems are solved completely! Не хочется ничего: no pornography, no wife …»

«Less than two weeks after taking it, life changed dramatically – it can be described as follows – everything became lucky! Everything you do everything works out, everyone is glad to you, salary increased, I was promoted, forces appeared (and time!) to go to gym, people began to reach for me, I have new friends and acquaintances, etc., etc.. Every morning you go to work and think – how lucky you are in life! I have become a different person, what I always wanted to be.
BUT! Quite unexpectedly, side effects were discovered that you don't pay attention to at first..
Since I have easily managed to charm several women (which I could not even think of before!) I very quickly faced the problem of sex. More precisely, with the problem of the impossibility of sex in principle. I quit Prozac and hoped that in two weeks I would be back to normal.. But two weeks have passed, month, two months – and practically nothing has changed.»

«Personally, I drank it in doses 80 mg / day. Didn't help at all. Below the belt – recovered a week after complete cancellation.»

«I am taking Fluoxetine for the second time in my life. (first time took 4 years ago 2 months) due to depressive disorder. Принимаю 3 of the day. The first time I did not notice the side effects, and now – feeling half asleep, some kind of confusion, began to speak incorrectly.»

«She was taking fluoxetine 5 days, 40 mg, phenotropil and cortexin, according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor. on the 3rd, anxiety increased, on the 4th before panic, convulsions started today, everything is shaking, pressure jumped 160 on 100. on the brink((( […] Turned out to be intoxication. I had to drink coal right away(((»

«I have panic attacks. So this drug (I accept Israeli fluoxicar) began to help with the first pill. By the end of the first week, I had completely forgotten about panic attacks.. Through 3 the alarm has passed for a month. Gone claustrophobia, fear of the dark and other nasty. But, Alas, later 3 years, everything began to return. The doctor said, that I'm used to him. But the drug – super class of all that, what I drank.»

«It worked on me much faster. For 4 I didn't recognize myself in a day. Another thing, that from the first days mostly side effects come up, this is true. There were times when the mental state deteriorated into panic attacks., and it happened like from amphetamine… In general, this is a creepy medicine, as for me.»

The attentive reader has noticed a side effect of `` below the belt ''. А что поделать, have to sacrifice something (:

Started today. minutes 15 there was some kind of incomprehensible state. Blunt, nauseated. Then it passed. There were no more changes.

  Almonds&Fleming from Krugman
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