Jack Canfield - Difficult Situations (video)

author: Jack Canfield
Translation and Voice acting: Dmitry Balezin

Video text ...

Overcoming a difficult situation is not always easy. Our minds are not inclined to let go of the memories of the event, which made us strong emotions. And negative emotions are very strong.. And memories of such events can quickly return, when things go wrong.

A huge part of our memories of the past are events, which failed. Reflect on your childhood failures, or even a university. Think back to that totally awkward situation in PE class.. This memory stuck to you, is not it? This is because, that you felt very uncomfortable.

Your brain chemistry was ready for that, to lock this information in memory. Maybe, to warn you against repeating this one more time.

But you also had many successes., memories of which are not so vivid. After all, unless they were something outstanding, they did not elicit an extreme outburst of emotion, that's why they didn’t burn into the memory.

What is the difficulty. The problem is, that focusing on failure negatively affects self-esteem, and this prevents you from taking the risks necessary for success, especially in your professional activity.

You must train yourself and constantly remember those small successes., who were in your life. Consciously acknowledging your successes helps to charge your mind with positive, and you can achieve this with the Success Journal.

Record one or more success each day, to fix it in memory for a long time. Also, can take a look at your life and list all successful events, which you remember.

When the day is tough, you will be able to re-read your journal, to get a true boost of confidence.

  Boiler room / Boiler Room фильм 2000 of the year

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