Jake Bernstein / Jake Bernstein

Jake Bernstein - professional trader, American analyst and author, who uses his more than 40 years of practical experience in market analysis to test opposing and controversial points of view, formalizing and building effective trading methods. Jake Bernstein is one of the most popular and respected analysts in the stock and futures markets.. He also serves as President of MBH Commodity Advisors., located in g. Vignette, Illinois and Network Press Inc in Scots Valley, California. Jake wrote over 40 Futures & Stock Market Books, Trading Psychology and Economic Forecasting; introduced numerous methodologies for analyzing futures markets, based on cyclicality and technical analysis; is the author of the newsletter for traders; conducts online education, helping traders improve their skills and achieve trading success.

Jake Bernstein was born 20 September 1946 years in Bavaria, moved from Europe to Canada, and then in the USA where he began his career as a trader in 1968 year. Jake has given talks at conferences and seminars around the world, spent more than 500 own seminars and is considered a leading teacher, analyst and researcher of the stock and futures markets.

Many of the long-term social, political and economic forecasts, which Bernstein has published over the past two decades, proved to be true: interest rate high of the early 1980s, deflation of the 1980s and early 1990s, breakthrough in genetic engineering technology, decrease in interest rates in the second half of the 1990s, Gulf War and others.

Jake Bernstein – investor advisor, Traders, Industrialists, Financial Institutions, short-term traders and brokerage firms. Some of the world's largest banks and brokerage firms are subscribed to his advisory services., as well as traders in the hall, professional traders and financial managers, both beginners and professional traders and hedgers from all over the world.

  Bangster Club

He is often invited to business radio- and television programs, including: Wall Street Week, CNBC, JagFN.TV, WebTV.com Financial News Network, Web.fn, CNN (London), WBBM Radio Chicago, IEpstein.com: Ira Epstein’s Futures Internet TV Program and YouTube.com: Ira Epstein’s YouTube Channel, also appears frequently in the financial press. Jake Bernstein's articles were published in Futures Magazine, Money Maker, Stocks and Commodities, Barron’s Financial Weekly, FarmFutures, and other leading financial publications. His predictions and opinions are often published in the financial press and on numerous websites..

Jake Bernstein is inclined to participate in the most active futures markets: energy carriers, finance, contracts S&P. But, According to him, “I trade everything, what changes in the given time frame ". Bernstein usually avoids such thin markets, like palladium or orange juice futures: "I do not like, how orders are executed there ".

When asked about, erosion of technical analysis, as more and more traders focus on the same charts Patterns, Jake Bernstein said: “Patterns are both a science and an art.. I tend to stick to crystal clarity in everything. If you look at the chart 10 human, and everyone comes to the same conclusion, then I feel quite comfortable in such a situation. I like to be objective ". Bernstein cited Elliott wave analysis as an example of technical analysis, prone to more "subjectivity", as the calculation of waves is subject to individual interpretations.

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