Jeff Bezos Amazon CEO divorces his wife Mackenzie after 25 years of marriage

The richest man in the world according to Forbes (experts assess his condition in $139,6 billion), основатель Amazon Джефф Безос объявил о разводе со своей супругой, Mackenzie Bezos, with whom he was married 25 years - since 1993 of the year. Nothing is known about the conditions of their divorce., and the former couple notified the world about the sad event via Twitter.

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' divorce may be the most expensive in history. And his wife, after divorce, there is every chance of becoming the richest woman in the world. Mackenzie Bezos claims half of her ex-husband's fortune, and this is – $69 billion. Bloomberg estimates the state of Bezos himself at $137 billion, at the same time, Forbes magazine calls a different figure $150 billion.

The joint statement says, that Bezos will stay “partners and friends”. The breakup was preceded by a trial breakup, which was known to friends and family of the couple.

“We are incredibly happy, that we found each other and are deeply grateful for each year, lived together. If we knew, that we will part in 25 years, we would still get married. We had a wonderful life, like a married couple, and we have a great future ahead, like parents, friends, partners in various projects… In any case, we will remain family and best friends.”,

In the 1980s, Jeff Bezos and Mackenzie Tuttle attended Princeton University at the same time., however, they met only in 1992 year, when both were already living in New York and working in the D.E investment fund. Shaw on Wall Street. IN 1993 year they got married, and in 1994 year moved to Seattle, where Jeff founded an online trading company

The Bezos spouses have four children - three sons and an adopted daughter..

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Mackenzie Bezos leads the Bystander Revolution Foundation, anti-bullying in schools. She is also known as a writer, in 2006 year she was awarded the American Literary Prize for her book “Luther Albright's trial” (The Testing of Luther Albright).

Divorce details have not been released. CNBC notes, that under the laws of the state of Washington, where do Bezos live, jointly acquired property belongs to the spouses in equal shares - since Amazon was founded during the marriage, then Mackenzie can claim half of Jeff's stake in his projects. So far, the most expensive divorce in the history of the United States is considered the trial of "King of Las Vegas" Steve Wynn, who left his ex-wife $1 billion c 2010 year.

Jeff Bezos now controls about 16% Amazon, and reducing this share will significantly weaken his control over the company, notes CNBC. Experts interviewed by the publication believe, that without Bezos' control over Amazon, the company's shares will lose much in value, what can be one of the arguments when discussing the terms of divorce.

Jeff and McKenzie had almost no joint business projects.. The most famous of them is the bystander Revolution organization., which resists bullying, and the Day One Fund $2 billion, designed to develop kindergartens and help homeless families.

Маккензи рассказывала Vogue, that she is very different from her husband. “He loves to meet people, socialize. Parties tend to make me run out of nerves, a lot of conversations are not mine ", she said.

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In the first option developments, Bezos will have to give half of his shares to Mackenzie. Then she will receive 39 million shares (share in 8% в Amazon) and will overtake the second largest investor, taking place right after Jeff Bezos.

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In the second option Mackenzie May Choose Cash Over Stock. Such a move will force Bezos to sell tens of millions of securities.. Less likely, that the spouse will do it on their own immediately after receiving the spouse's share. Both options will provoke a drop in the company's share price.

Much depends on, where will the divorce proceedings take place. Should Bezos choose Washington, state where spouses are jointly owned, assets will have to be divided equally. After all, the creation of the Amazon online store took place after, how the couple got married.

Legal experts believe, that the Bezos case will not be brought to court - the spouses will settle it through negotiations, with the participation of lawyers or in the framework of arbitration. And despite the fact that, that Washington State property law will not apply directly, Mackenzie can use it as a starting point for negotiations., demanding an equal division of assets. Undoubtedly, there is a possibility, that Bezos' wife will end up with a much smaller stake in Amazon, than half of Jeff's current holdings. For example, if they have previously signed an agreement, limiting her claim to Bezos shares in the company. So far, nothing is known about the existence of such an agreement.. Another complicating factor is that, how negotiators will classify ownership of Bezos shares. Usually assets, acquired in marriage, are considered the property of both spouses. But courts can distinguish between passive and active asset valuation.. Bezos can argue, that the significant increase in the value of Amazon shares is due to his personal contribution to the development of the company, but there is no merit to Mackenzie. If the referee or referee supports Bezos's position, his wife will receive a much smaller stake in Amazon.

But on Wednesday, New York Post and National Enquirer reports there have already been reports of, that Bezos had an affair with former TV presenter Lauren Sanchez. This may affect the requirements of the parties. And finally,, Amazon's board and Bezos himself may not want to give away so many shares to Mackenzie. The board of directors can insist on limiting the rights of the wife of Bezos in managing the company. As an option, others may be transferred to it

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What will happen to Amazon stock after the divorce

Usually, in case of divorce, billionaires and part-time heads of companies leave real estate to ex-spouses, cars and other assets. But not in the case of Jeff Bezos. Much of the state of the head of Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) Are stocks. Known, that Bezos is the largest shareholder of the retailer: he owns a 16 percent stake in the company (79 million shares), which is currently valued at 130 billion dollars. This is almost all of his condition.. If, after the divorce, Mackenzie Bezos transfers half of her husband's assets, she will receive 8% Amazon shares. And the next question arises - will she want to sell them. In this case, the paper, certainly, will plummet in price, Business Insider analysts note.

What will the spouses share besides Amazon shares?

The Bezos family owns a lot of real estate - several houses, apartments and extensive land holdings. Here are just a few of them.:

  • Mansion in Washington with 10 rooms (bought in October 2016 years over 23 million dollars);
  • Two mansions in Beverly Hills, California (one purchased in April 2007 for 24 million dollars, the second - in July 2017 for 13 million dollars; in the photo). House in the suburbs of Seattle, Washington (bought in 1998 year over 10 million dollars);
  • Apartments in Manhattan, New York (bought in 1999 year over 7,7 million dollars);
  • Land holdings area 162 ha in West Texas.
  • Помимо недвижимости и ритейлера Amazon Джефф Безос также владеет аэрокосмической компанией Blue Origin. Если паре не удается договориться о разделе имущества, then all property and debts, acquired over the years of marriage, will divide the court.
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