"Zen trading" turnkey for everyone!!!

Hello, friends!

They write to me, what is the price for education Trading, which I put in this post is too high. And although there are willing, for 99% novice traders it is too heavy.

I'll be honest — i count on, that a person will come to me to learn Zen trading, which is already materially packed.

This is right. This is justified.

But the reality is, what in Trading more people go after money, who are not doing well financially. For example, business closed, dismissal from work, disease, family problems…

So it turns out, that such people came to the financial markets, guided by the wrong map. And even worse, that they begin to absorb a lot of information, which is a slag for powdering the brain.

By the way, thank you all for the feedback and letters about that course «Forex for beginners«, which I have been working on for quite some time and in which my experience with 2007 of the year on the topic of trading in financial markets.

People are looking for the grail there, where he is not.

Analyze something, what sorry for the expression, «we do not analyze».

Plan then, what is impossible to plan.

Set goals, which lead to the opposite result.

As a result, an army of disappointed and sad people is replenished..

Well what. I thought, that it's a good idea to do some kind of social experiment and recruit a limited group of students, reducing the price in 4 Times!

Yes, I will do it for the sake of those, who seems to want, but the price bites.


Let's then agree on the following.

I recruit a limited group, exactly that much, how much can I teach in parallel.

Training will take place via skype, 3 once a week.

Duration — 3 weeks. However, admit, that progress and adjustment are possible both from my side and from your side. Everyone's rhythms are different, modes too.

  Summer resident

Target — creating a profitable trading system, created just for you, suitable for your regime and character. Which will bring you from 5-10% per month of profit.

We trade forex and futures!

Payment is only 500 ye!

And as always, we work until the result is achieved.

Requirements for applicants:

1. Age is older 25 years

2. Experience in real trading.

3. Real account. Cent accounts are not good — I don't even want to hear!

If, based on the results of our training, you, following all my recommendations, found themselves at a loss, then the cost of training is refunded in full!

What else I want to add…

Someone thinks, what trading — this is an opportunity to escape from poverty. An opportunity to experience an intoxicating sense of material abundance. A way to cool life …

At least, these are the slogans planted in the heads of DCs and Brokers, living on commissions from transactions.

So everything is not so rosy.

Realistically assess your current situation. Trading as a mirror will reflect exactly, what is your life. If there are problems and inconsistencies in it, the same will happen in trading.

Remember the old wisdom: «what's outside, then inside».


I will say more. With those students, who will be in my group, we will work more on SPIRIT, than over some technical troubles.

But about that shhh… Secret!

shl. Registration is given 3 of the day — to 10 September.

Send your applications to admin (dog) deipara.com or write on skype wearbo

Good luck!

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