Zen Trading on the principle of "here and now"!

We do not buy a train ticket from a week ago, we do not buy food, which expired, dollars and euros are not sold to us at a favorable rate for us, who was in banks five years ago.

But in trading, for some reason, they try to teach us exactly this model of behavior..

Вот Вам schedule, here are the levels on it, patterns, models, волны, channels. The older the TF, the more significant the signal, more stable model.

I used to follow this philosophy like a ram too, but now I understand, что это бред.

You can see some levels of order accumulation, but where is the guarantee, that tomorrow or in an hour they will not be replaced by opposite applications, depending on the change in the political situation, a major player entering the market with its, known to him alone, motives, или какой-нибудь зарвавшийся trader крупного банка не начнет усредняться, pouring more and more dough into the asset, manipulating the price due to the resource intensity of its owner?

When I read earlier Steve Neeson or Morris on candlestick patterns, then they got, that candlestick patterns work better on large time frames, up to monthly candles. Morris pointed out, that on the daily chart it is better to focus on 5-7 days, during which the identified signal could act and give a prediction. It's a bullshit.

In my opinion the probability — 50/50. Только и всего. Coin.

You can make money on it? Can, as with any initially wretched idea, Elliott wave type, теории Ганна, Japanese candles, Wolfe Waves, butterflies kartli, sets of indicators and the like. But at the expense of a competent MM and only.

And here is where the probability is higher? Yet again, I guess, that the probability is to characterize a move higher within the day, when right here and now you can see, what's going on in the market, where the price breaks out or what range it cannot get out of. If the market did not give you money in the first half hour or hour — you should get out of it and do something else. For example, play harmonica.



And you feel good, and people have fun.

Something like this.

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