Zen trading and scalping intraday

First of all, congratulations on the Victory Day! Let's remember that difficult time, crippled the fate of an entire generation of people, not only ours, but also all, who was hurt by that war, including the Germans themselves. I want to believe, that there will be fewer such pages in history.

Now about the markets. No significant news expected this week. Therefore, it is not necessary to rely on any impressive movements in one direction or another.. This state of affairs brings to mind the intraday intraday trade.

There is intraday scalping, but I am not a fan of him, since it has significant disadvantages, for example, entails a serious psychological burden on the trader.

Understandably, что суть scalping intraday — make deals with minimal temporary holding of a position. As soon as a few pips profit appears — the deal is closed. After that, a new deal is opened almost immediately., sometimes in the opposite direction, sometimes in the same…

Everything intraday scalpers are guided by their own signals to open a trade. These can be candlestick patterns on m1-m5, coin, indicator readings, etc.. Moreover, scalping is also applied to FOREX and MICEX / RTS and NYSE

Maintain a scalping rate and make tens and hundreds of transactions throughout the day — no easy task. Trader очень быстро устает, although I have seen such scalpers, who threshed deals at a speed 3-5 per minute for ten hours.

Time to go crazy.

I prefer positional trading to this kind of trading. intraday, when trades are held from several minutes to several hours. In this case, we can talk about a dozen or two transactions per day..

Unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult to readjust to intraday trading after positional holding of positions for days and weeks, how it was after overclocking the deposit more than a hundred times in a week.


Nevertheless, the current trading week was productive.. I enclose the state below. About 3700 yea in two days.

24 deals, of them 4 unprofitable, i.e 85% прибыльных.



ps. And that, if you haven't heard yet — компания Альпари left KROUFR for that reason, what

4 April 2013 G. the management of KROUFR, represented by President E. I. Masharov, under pressure from one of the members of the organization, found it possible to close the user Forum on the KROUFR website, where clients' claims to their brokers are published. The purpose of this action, obviously, there was a desire to avoid publicity of the published claims. The forum remained closed for more than a day, and its work was resumed only thanks to our active intervention in the situation.

We consider this fact a flagrant violation of the very foundations of KROUFR's activities.. Such actions discredit the organization., whose main task is to "protect the rights and interests of participants in international financial markets". What, undoubtedly, does not imply the protection of only the interests of the founders to the detriment of the interests of their clients.

Furthermore, we absolutely do not understand the position of tacit consent and non-interference, occupied by other KROUFR participants. We were also extremely surprised by the passive reaction of the staff of the CRFIN staff, who either do not understand the essence of what happened, or do not have a mechanism to influence their members, including the founders of both organizations.

In connection with the above, Alpari:
Demands the immediate resignation of the President of KROUFR E. I. Masharov, as having lost confidence;
suspends its membership in KROUFR until:
clarifying the positions of other members of KROUFR;
taking action by the CRFIN apparatus, which will exclude the very possibility of such events occurring.

later 3 weeks the decision was made to leave KROUFR

Alpari announces its withdrawal from the Commission for the Regulation of Relations of Financial Market Participants. This decision was made based on the results of an internal audit of the Non-Profit Partnership., as well as in connection with fundamental disagreement with the approach to the consideration of clients' appeals and complaints.


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I approve the decision.

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