Zen trading 2.0


In recent years, I began to experience discomfort from trading in the market and could not understand, what's the matter. No profit did not suit me and everything indicated that, that it's time to change the field of activity. But habits and natural stubbornness forced to continue and continue that, which ceased to please and did not fill life with new knowledge.

Trading и финансовые рынки… Everything is great in 20 years, at 25… But closer to 30, apparently, some people ask themselves questions, «and what did I do, к чему пришел, what will I leave to descendants»? What a positive charge has brought to the life of society…

And here the truth is, that trading in financial markets we are just pawns, playing by someone else's rules. Ants, elephants darting between their legs.

We do not create trends, we do not influence prices. Truth, one person told me, that he manipulates the forex market, but this is complete nonsense, Igor. Complete nonsense. Open your eyes and you will understand, how badly wrong you are.

Еще один важный момент. I want to play my game, build a trend of your business with your own hands, of his life. I mentioned this a little in the article Webmaster - it sounds proud! . Truth, the main idea then still remained hidden from my eyes, and only now did I have the courage to face the truth. Yet 8 months ago there was a strong feeling, that you need to change your path and start doing something of your own with interest and inspiration, but i'm a man tight enough, even somewhere dumb, so I don't get it right the first time.

I don't like trading! I want to build trends by myself, to influence the rise or fall according to the efforts, invested in what you love.

  about teeth)

Unfortunately, there are very few happy people among traders and investors in PAMM accounts. Их нет. There are a lot of confused people among my acquaintances., who live in pink castles, dreaming of future millions and prosperity.

Дело не в деньгах, not in MM or risks. Я хочу сделать что-то, for which they will thank me from the bottom of my heart. And this should be done by my hands and the hands of like-minded people.

From now on, I officially announce, that I will not trade on the market. No forex, nor Nice, no futures. А по сути, that I will stop dancing in a foreign field to someone else's songs. And this is not related to trading results., profit ceased to please me. 40%, 100%… No fan, нет удовольствия, not the same, what I would like to convey to people and descendants.

I do not impose my opinion, and thinking, no one here will treat me. Right?

I will continue to invest, but not in the pamm account, not in the aforementioned sites, but it will be something else. And that. After 4 years of sitting at home I wanted to go to work. sitting at home, really tired of idleness. I will go to the team, in people. We need to take on new fresh ideas and knowledge.

I am very grateful for that fruitful period., который имел место быть, he gave me a lot, but it's time to move on. For I don't feel any movement, staying in the same status and with the same set of actions.

I can't say more yet.

After all, Zen — this is a river, flow, liberation from the old and chewed, response to the call of the soul and honesty with oneself.

Good luck to all!

  I went to read on Smartlab. What is this????


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