
Interesting, how many high school grades did stupid officials from Roskomnadzor graduate from, prosecutors and other government agencies. At first, they unanimously tried to punish the radio station `` Rain" for the survey on the blockade of Leningrad, but after being pointed to the official ninth grade middle school textbook where students are also encouraged to discuss this topic, quickly canceled their decision.

"….At the end of the twentieth century, opinions were expressed about too high a price, paid for the defense of Leningrad, about that, that it could be handed over to the Germans and thereby save people's lives, killed during the blockade. How can you evaluate such statements in the light of the above document??…"

Russian history textbook, 9 Class, authors A.A. Danilov, LG Kosulin, M.Yu. Brandt, Moscow, & quot; Enlightenment 2012 год". (Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation). Параграф 29, page 204


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