Make way for youth!

My opinion is very simple — after 45, well, as a last resort, after 50 years, a person should not be in a leadership position. Firstly, even just for physiological reasons — he can no longer work at full strength. There is a sore, then here. Not to work already, at least, with full force and enthusiasm. Secondly, grandchildren are growing up, not to mention adult children, and everyone must be provided with basic necessities — квартирами, dachas, study abroad at prestigious universities, cars and just banal bank deposits in Swiss banks for a rainy day. And how to do it without abuse of official position? Until such a law on age limitation in leadership positions is adopted, retirees will hold onto their chairs with their teeth and other diseased parts of the body. Hence all the troubles — corruption, etc..

Немногие, I guess, remember the situation in the leadership of the USSR for years 10 before its disintegration. The average age of a member of the government and the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the CPSU was no less than 80 years. Был там, Really, one promising young man Grigory Romanov, who was considered the successor of Brezhnev, and at that time he was only 60 years, but as a child he did something stupid and was expelled from the members of the presidium. This is how they are — youngsters.

But nature cannot be fooled and she did her job, we are all mortal, and even members of the supreme council, as it turned out. After 90-year-old Brezhnev died, the younger 80-year-old Andropov, who replaced him, also did not last even a year. And then 95-year-old Chernenko died from some unknown reason, really in old age? AND, finally, a miracle happened — the next ruler, Misha Gorbachev, had only 56 years — practically, the kid began to rule the country….. and got there, the country from his reign collapsed during several years of leadership :)

  Buy & hold versus trading.

Also, for sure, few know that between these residents of the nursing home it was customary to kiss each other passionately. Especially juicy kisses were broadcast on TV and printed on the front pages of newspapers. The most famous kiss is recognized as the kiss of the head of the USSR Brezhnev with the head of the GDR Honnecker.

Then, Unfortunately, there was no law on the Promotion of Homosexuality, that's why everything was produced so openly for the whole country. Truth, the criminal code included an article on the death penalty for sodomy, but, since there was no official sex in the USSR, then it was impossible to apply the article, otherwise sex would have to admit, and sex in the elderly presidium of the Supreme Council was hardly possible. That's why, I had to limit myself to kissing.

By the way, кто заинтересовался, there are many sites on the Internet with fixed kisses of top officials of the state. For example, group 10 kisses of Brezhnev

Yes, why am I all? And to the fact that history repeats itself and no matter how we become witnesses of such a scene:

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