Additional facts on Libya

Official data

According to the law of the People's Committee with 1981 year the salary level is frozen if employment in Libyan companies. Is not applies to salaries in foreign companies in Libya,but there are restrictions in foreign companies , operating in the oil and gas sector.

1. Employee, with one employer consistently 3 year is eligible for a fully paid 25 day leave for pilgrimage ,1 once
2. In case of illness, the employee is guaranteed 60% from salary up to 1 years If the disease is related to work,then 70 % for the same length.
3.Social Security from Social Security includes:
retirement age
birth of children

4. Minimum pension — 80% from the minimum national level 250 dinars ,200 US dollars, maximum- 80% from average earnings for the last 20 years
5. The funeral is allocated 50 dinars
6. Motherhood 100% from salary for 3 Months
7. Birth , bonus — 25 dinars for each, pregnancy 4 dinar per month from 4 months of pregnancy before the baby is born.

The salary level is frozen at the mark 10000 dinars per year, about 8000 Dollars.

Below schedule изменения средней зарплаты в Ливии. A sharp surge occurred after the lifting of the embargo and the rise in oil prices.
8. Unemployment is not paid, but upon dismissal is paid 2 monthly salary, maxim term up to 6 months depending on the time worked

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