Долгосрочные народные приметы. SP-500.

At the end of this month, there may well be a signal for a global entry into US stocks according to the well-known strategy., plotted on a 10-month moving average. Who is not up to date, it is considered the most profitable technical folk omen of investors for the SP-500 index. — when the monthly index bar closes above the 10-period moving average, we enter long, and when it closes below, close the long. For 20 in recent years, the strategy turns out to be such equity:

Much better than buying and maintaining the index itself. It is known that the vast majority of funds are inferior to the index in long-term profitability.. And here the index is inferior. I.e, funds are inferior and even more so. :)

And these are all deals for 20 years.

On the other hand, it is clear that this is a curve fit., or as it has now become fashionable to call — approximation, and on the next long-term site, completely different patterns will be found. But still interesting…. :) 

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