How long will the Facebook bubble last??

While some persistently mentally short FB, he conquers new heights. So today it adds immediately 15%. A figure was drawn that looked like a cup with a handle according to the IBD theory, followed by an explosive movement.

How FB Bubble Supporters Motivate Their Position — the fact that they have nothing, one air.
What, take a look at the statistics on the Googlefinance website.

Earned in a year 7 872 000 000 Dollars
The costs were 1 875 000 000 Dollars

For comparison, let's see the statistics of the aluminum giant Alkoa (AA) from the real sector, making money out of thin air:

Earned in a year 23 032 000 000
The costs were 19 286 000 000

I.e, despite the fact that AA worked in 3 times more, costs kill all profits and, as a result, FB has almost 2 times more than AA.

Yes, you can just look at earnings per share:
у FB +$0,59 per share
in AA -2.14 per share

So why not FB stocks go up?, if earns profit and earns effectively, low cost?

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