reading Moshman

Finally, the book ends with tedious game situations, and the basic theoretical concepts began, MTT comparisons, CIS, cash games..
and then I ran into an important thought, цитирую: "If it is most convenient for you to outplay your opponents before the flop and this is your usual SNG strategy, then avoid risk in the low blinds".
this is it!
remembering, как я победил свой турнир эта quote должна быть приоритетной.
in that tournament, if I lost in comparison, when my pocket pair QQ was run over by A5 offsuit, already hitting the second ace on the flop, then it was enough for me 3-4 competent raise-re-raise in the next 5-10 min games, to completely recover this stack loss.
Besides, in the low blinds, I often got involved in an adventurous race and unnecessary risk, having pocket 44-99 or QJ offsuit, KJ.
as an option, we must try to overhaul, until the ante appears, and at the stage of low blinds play only pairs above JJ, suited AQ, or AK offsuit.
to download a book, who hasn't read yet
ps: yet again correlation с трейдингом – act like this, how psychologically comfortable.. I like to trade stocks of a certain price range and daily movement, so trade, а про другие забудь. like the aggressive high blinds stage – sidi, жди, do not get involved in a risky skirmish once again.

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