Dmitry Cheremushkin (Xelius) advises my training

It was interesting and unexpected to see the comment Dmitry Cheryomushkin (Xelius) about my education on the Traanan blog link

Surprisingly he's right, I planned to sell my course by 10 000$, but made an exception for the first group that he recruited himself and set the minimum price. In the future, the price of the course will increase by 1.5 times with each new stream with an interval of 3-6 a month if you want to continue teaching and have enough time.

The next set will be written Teaching


Well, for those who do not know who he is Dmitry Cheremushkin (Xelius) – active day trader, asset manager, Prize-winner of the "Best Private Investor" competition (which showed profitability in excess of 1200% behind 3 months), certified specialist securities market (FFMS qualification certificate 1.0). Founder of the professional team of traders XELIUS GROUP Inc. From 187 trading weeks has only 7 unprofitable. (officially confirmed by broker reports).


P.S. PR is paid for by Porsches ))))))

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