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“Michael, why don't you love Russia so much??”
The question implies, that I will now rush to make excuses, prove that I love. Well, of course it is implied, what do you really love Russia.
This conversation is too serious. And to some extent meaningless. His family, Germany, loved the crew of a german submarine, drowned the Northern convoys. And a security officer, who killed the royal children, loved Russia and did it for the sake of the interests of Russia.
Я Вам могу сказать, what I DO NOT LOVE in this world.
I DO NOT LOVE hypocrisy. I do not like lies, boorishness. Не люблю, when the strong mocks the weak. Не люблю, when people kill each other. Не люблю, when they don't have an opinion. Не люблю, when they shut their mouth, даже тем, whom I do not love.
I WANT, so that my homeland is respected. Respected for new technologies, for modern factories, for beautiful and clean cities, high quality and inexpensive goods. For our beautiful women, for hardworking and kind men. I want, so that other countries dream of joining us not out of despair, and not because our pensions are higher, but because our society is fairer and easier to breathe. So that they do not come to us with young prostitutes to have fun, but to be treated for diseases, which nobody, except for our doctors, will not cure.
I DO NOT WANT, so that Russia is feared and hated. Я не хочу, so that Russians abroad are perceived as aggressive and rude, people who do not know how to behave. To make the whole world think of my country as an aggressor. Я не хочу, so that we rank first in terms of corruption and child mortality. Я не хочу, so that my people are turned into a unanimous crowd by massive propaganda.
And I do not “I TASTE” our problems. Я ИЗДЕВАЮСЬ. I mock those people in the Russian people, because of which Russia is made different, how I WANT to see her, а такой, which Russia I DO NOT WANT to see.
Mikhail Efremov.