For critics (about the previous post)

What criticism was not. And the fact that the cost is several times overpriced. And what do you need to collect yourself. And so on and. tp.

I decided to check the prices of components. I looked at the prices on the website of the Computer World store. Understand, that now there will be new criticism, that only suckers buy in stores, that components must be bought at the bazaar or at the auction & quot; Ebay" or somewhere else. But okay :)

Check the complete set of the computer here

We see that the manufacturer is not listed only for HDD and DDR3, so for them we take the average prices, примерные. The rest is easily found on the Computer World website."
in the section & quot; Accessories & quot;.


As we see, the price converges almost to a penny.
And what brands are bad here as some have criticized?

З.Ы. Yes, for those who have not read to the end of the comments of the previous post, I inform you that from the original version, on the advice of Fdax refused and preferred this particular assembly. But I think, what if I counted the complete set of that option, then the price would agree too. Who doesn't believe, can count :)

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