this is a blog and nothing blogospheric is alien to him. traditionally, the opinion of the author may not coincide with the opinion of the author; do not display the opinion of the organization that the author represents at a particular point in time; do not display the opinion of the social / national group to which the author belongs, or to which it belongs.

the purpose of the blog – opinion exchange. I am much more interested in your opinion on the subject of discussion, than justifying your own opinion. hence, self-affirmation, PR and advertising are radically discouraged. humor welcome. naturally, every joke contains only a fraction of a joke.

I am interested in all near-economic and near-market topics.
not interested in politics, конспиралогия, national question. especially the compilation of the.

if you have any substantive questions, write in a personal, facebook, gmail (same as blog name), in general in all available ways. I always try to answer, if not answered, most likely missed the question / message. напоминайте, без стеснения.

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