Disciplined Trader. Douglas Mark

In this book, trade driving force behind Mark Douglas explains, why most traders are not ready to switch to another (often completely different) tactics, without which the market will not succeed. Relying on rare discernment, acquired through personal experience of trading in the commodity markets, Mark Douglas shows, why concepts, learned for prosperity in society, often become serious psychological barriers in the market. Revealing the reasons for the development of a defeatist attitude, the author then proceeds to prepare the reader for “general cleaning of his inner world” with the uprooting of concepts and traditional ways of thinking that have stuck there. Further in the book it is told, how to develop and apply approach and tactics, which overcome psychological barriers and lead to success. “Disciplined trader will help the reader to join a select few, who have learned to manage their market actions (these few – traders, who consistently achieve the highest profit in the market). They achieved it, mastering the principle of systematic, phased (week after week and month after month) building up profits. The book is in four parts: – Review of the psychological requirements for action in a market environment. – Identifying the challenges and barriers to becoming a successful trader. – General analysis of changes, That, maybe, will need to be introduced into market behavior, and recommendations for the formation of a supporting system of concepts to achieve this goal. – Recommendations for developing specific trading skills based on clear, objective assessment of market actions.

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