Amateurs and professionals

Neonmouse, trader from the central bank of the Russian Federation, имеющий терминал Bloomberg, by polling professional traders in terminal chats, summarized the difference in approaches to trading between professionals and amateurs (дилетантами)



It was interesting to compare the approaches of both categories with mine..

Basic method of analysis — amateurs are close to me here, since neither fundamental analysis, I do not use macroeconomic trends in trading. Well, maybe only sometimes in experimental deals, disposable. But it cannot be said that the main emphasis on entry points, like amateurs. My entry points are inextricably linked with exit points.

Technical analysis methods — there is a whole set of amateurs and professionals.

Trade type —  also the whole set from both categories. Groups of instruments tending to trends I play by trend systems, and tool groups, gravitating towards return to average play by return to average. Although, maybe in the table, under the concept of counter-trend, it does not mean a return to the mean, but always go against the movement, unclear.

Feet — I am an amateur. I often don't use physical feet. Instead, the risk is controlled by the position size..

Strategy — dilettante again, since some systems provide averaging. Increasing positions is not provided for in any system..

Frequency of transactions — here I am a professional :)

Market experience — it turns out that neither one is different — grew out of amateurs, but not mature enough to be a professional, a year and a half is not enough.

Work — almost an amateur, since speculation in the markets is my only kind of income for already 8,5 years. You will have to think about it and get a job at least as a loader part-time to look like a professional :)

Other — more amateur, since sometimes I write on smartlab and do not read high-quality analytics of foreign banks.

  About trader and investors #4)))

Communication — obviously an amateur. I have no professional connections and, at all, never seen a real trader alive in my life. :)

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