
looking at the statue for February on Sergey Silantyev's magazine..
interesting picture: deals 158.. по всем стакам с NYSE – merge, по стакам с NASDAQ – pick up.
it would seem that – the same American market, but different venues: NYSE is called hybrid, NASDAQ – obviously electronic.
actually – 1Has a painful tendency to smoothness, a 2nd – more volatile, for there is no specialist (and on the NYSE his role is no longer clear.).

such distribution: 46 transactions accounted for shares with NASDAQ, rest 112 on the NYSE.. which means, what is the minimum 30 sample values according to the laws of mathematical statistics – there is.. we consider the data to be reliable :) the truth of trading days less 30 listed so far in the journal.

majority profitable trades are also accounted for by the NYSE, but the other end of the stick is, which is the most & quot; jellied" was also at the Nice actions…

remember Timothy Saandxa… no accident he his penis drains :)) traded exclusively from the nazdak. and after all, on the lyse of their rubble. what was his motive?? from his experience of modest comes to mind only that, that the Peni-drains from Nice do not have that `` explosiveness ''" (Timothy calls it super nova '), which is the nazdanchy. but, it's definitely not my approach to the matter…

try to throw off the NYSE for the first week of March, yes look at the results…

  Chicago Trade Journal 2009-12-14 22:45:46
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