The money (rubles) out of thin air

I can't figure out where is the catch, head doesn't think.

For example, instead of putting rubles on a term deposit under 8-10%, transfer money to FORTS and sell no leverage and no stop Si futures with expiration in a year, e.g. SiM7. This futures has already been" annual profit of about 10%. SiM7 is currently worth 75674, and a year later, if it is theoretically assumed that the spot price of the dollar has not changed, it will cost approximately 68370, and this is about 10% arrived. Why then bring money to the bank?

And if you go further and sell Si with leverage, for example 3/1 or more. Then it turns out that without money, we open ruble deposits with a yield of 10%…… money out of thin air?

Yes, I understand that we are at risk if the dollar rises in price against the ruble. But this does not stop those who open ruble deposits in banks.. And it turns out that you can open ruble deposits by selling Si even without having money…

But probably, I didn’t take into account something and I still can’t figure out what…. :)

  "Predictable irrationality", And Ariely (great overview)
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