Option exercise day( April )

Today is the exercise day, which means that we are selling DJ – stock on OPG.
OPG : sold basketball to dj shares, out of 22 got only 15 things. This is the first time I do consciously OPG on the day the options are exercised, по этому сделал немного не правильно, it was necessary to cover part of the position as the shares were issued, and I was waiting for a profit on the general basketball. BUT nothing the first pancake is not lumpy, earned and okay, next time I'll be smarter.

Intraday :

OMG : OM Group, Inc.
Sector: Basic Materials > Industry: Chemical Manufacturing
There was a clear UP trend on the daily chart, stock пробила хай сегодняшнего дня и могла спокойно расти до 30$
Potential: 2.5$ ( real 2$)
Risks: ~ 5S
Ratio : 1 to 40
Mistakes: It was necessary to gain more position, risks are small, great potential.OMG : OM Group, Inc.

HOT : Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc
Sector: Services > Industry: Hotels and Motels
There were some pretty good candles up on the daily, certainly not a trend, but also not bad. I took it on breaking through today's high.
Potential: 1,5$
Risks: ~ 8C
Ratio : 1 k ~ 16
Mistakes: I got out early, could sit further.

HOT : Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc

TIF: Tiffany & Co
Sector: Services > Industry: Retail (Specialty)
The trade is stupid, the action is almost nothing, I just wanted to trade so I took it.

TIF: Tiffany & Co

MOC: did not trade, just looking. Everything collapsed, but selling was very dangerous and not worth it.

Results: Good day for me, минимум объема, maximum profit all that was needed.

Trade date : 17 April 2009

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